Teeth Will Be Provided

There has been much gnashing of teeth, rending of cloth and wailing in the media about this.

Four people died overnight trying to cross the Channel to reach Britain, French officials have said.

Yvette Cooper issued the usual platitudes about people smugglers and how the government must take steps. The steps are easy. We know that they work because Australia did it decades ago. Kill the market and the smuggling stops. Anyone who makes the crossing should be immediately deported and it must be made clear to them that under no circumstances will there be any asylum applications. None. Zero. No exceptions. Land on our beaches and you are on the next plane out before your toes get sandy.

Do that and keep doing it and the smuggling gangs will have no income and people stop dying in the Channel. It really is that simple. Unless she plans to do that, I’ll treat Cooper’s crocodile tears for what they are – meaningless performance politics.


  1. Apparently, once the small boat Islamic invaders are actually in the water, the land bound Gendarmerieand Police are not able to stop them. That is the official French response but, don’t they have maritime branches? Why can’t the French navy intercept them and send/tow/take them back, instead of gaily (they are French, after all) escorting them into British waters and, after pre-arranging the handover, allow the RNLI and Border Farce to take over.
    If I boarded a plane with a passport, then.landed somewhere in the UK without one, would Border Farce allow me in? The answer would be ‘No’ and I’d be put on the next plane back to where I emplaned, despite being a residential, tax paying, Briton. We are governed by imbeciles.

    • Actually, as a British citizen, you can just turn up at the border without a passport.
      It’s not going to be fun. They check their systems and you need someone to come and vouch for you. But it is doable. They wouldn’t like it though, lots of effort.

      Turning up at another country you’re not a citizen of without a passport? Forget it.
      When it comes to airlines, the border control send you back and you’re the airlines responsibility. Which is why they check your passport.

      Was fun during all the COVID nonsense. I got thorough document examination by the airline because I was travelling when not a citizen of destination country.(Mrs Drakon is) Airline was worse than border control…

  2. Forgot to add that the use of drones by the French could quickly pick up which part of the coastline the dinghies are setting out from.

  3. Apparently one of the smugglers was tracked down to a refugee place in Luxembourg. He was from Iraq posing as a refugee but selling places on dinghies for £1600 a person. Point is if a journalist can do this in a matter of days what are the actual border forces doing????? Also where do these refugees get the money to travel across countries and then pay for the passage on the boats?

  4. As you say, the steps to stop this are straightforward. The persistent failure to do so must therefore be due to something else.

    I wonder if the Labour Party, having just lost a few seats to (what amounts to) the Moslem Brotherhood, will perhaps re-think their plans? Or will it take more of a clue-by-four to get through to them?

  5. If politicians choose not to do what has been proven to work by Australia, the blood of those who die is on their hands.

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