There are three sides to every story – yours, mine and the truth. That Manchester kick-off where everyone was screaming ‘police brutality’ has now emerged to be somewhat more nuanced.
Many years ago, I was taken to task by a cretin for not leaping onto a police brutality story and my response was then, what it is now, there is always more to a story and it is best to wait for more evidence to emerge before jumping to conclusions.
Anyway, it turns out that the ‘victims’ were, in fact, the perpetrators of the violence. Further investigation may decide that the police constable concerned overreacted. However, in the heat of the moment, these scumbags were attacking armed police officers. A few days ago we had a soldier stabbed – à la Lee Rigby, so they were quite possibly fearing for their lives. As Paz 45 mentions on his channel, in the United States, these two wouldn’t be alive right now. Frankly, that would be no loss.
The mayor of Greater Manchester urged people “not to rush to judgment” over the Manchester airport incident after new footage appeared to show a violent and frenetic lead-up.
Bit late for that, they already have. Brown privilege has already been played. I’d also ask the question others have asked – why are these two creatures out on bail? They are suspected of a particularly violent attack on police officers, and are now awaiting trial. They should be in police custody. They should also be deported to whatever Islamic shithole they – or their families – came from.
The family of the man who was reportedly kicked and stamped on issued a “plea for calm” and urged people not to take part in any further protests, their MP said earlier on Saturday.
Usually in these cases, they are calling for demonstrations on the streets. Maybe this time, they are so obviously bang to rights, even the usual suspects don’t feel sufficiently emboldened?
The problem with today’s justice system is that it takes too long to be resolved, and is often ‘completed’ outside the public news.
While there are good reasons for avoiding a ‘rush to judgement’ the legal professionals are keen to delay matters and introduce insubstantial ‘reasons’ for delay while benefitting from social media pile-ons.
I believe it would be beneficial to ‘press on’ with prosecutions and rely on the appeals process to catch anything hasty. Can’t see the professionals agreeing to reducing their fees though.
I can’t find the reference now but I seem to recall a senior GMP police officer, not the chief constable, condemning the actions of the constables involved when the story first broke. Basically threw them under the bus before all the facts were known.
Pre Cambrian islamofilth so likely utterly calculated and in the expectation that the usual apologists, grifters and whores will deliver the swill these things believe is their by absolute right.
Utterly banged to rights as you say, but in the past this has never stopped them. Wonder what is stopping – or at least partially restraining – them now?
Even the BBC shows the animals mindlessly attacking the police, which I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t have a few years ago (and it looks like the police did restrain themselves initially). And then when it fell, it laid suspiciously still very quickly.
I wish that policeman had been on security at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester.
Or Southport.
“They should also be deported to whatever Islamic shithole – or their families – come from”
With a policy of zero tolerance towards others who also think they are above the laws that apply to everyone else.
Why are they out on bail?
Simply to appease the roper mob.
Larger cities here in the states have been finding it harder and harder over the years to recruit new officers. Things seem to go OK until the new officers discover they must have one hand tied behind their back through the entire shift.
(In fairness I believe they are allowed to use both hands for lunch and restroom stops.)
Both the RoPers and Plod are at blame. Neither of them are of any use to the country. We don’t need itinerant goat herders posing as curry chefs nor do we need violent, thieving little Hitlers who are the government bully boys.
I’m sorry but I think that plod should not have kicked the guy in the head when he was down. He won’t get away with it and will be rightfully sacked.
They should have the book thrown at them and deported but we all know that nothing will happen. If it was you or I however….
It looked to me that the man on the floor turned his head to the right just before the kick was delivered. Was he preparing to try to get up? Was he calling for support from others in the area? In any case he was not fully subdued. And it was necessary to fully subdue him.
LOL. Do we really want Plod kicking people in the head who are not fully subdued? It won’t stop with scum like this guy.
It won’t start with me, because should I ever be arrested, I’ll be compliant. If there’s and fighting to be done, it’ll be my lawyer who does it.
I have read elsewhere that armed police are trained to use their feet in a ruck in order to not lose control of their firearm????.
Anyone know?
Also depending on angle, the kick to / near the head can also be interpreted as kicking the hand / mobile phone away from the assailant on the ground.
@Nessimmersion, in some photographs, there appears to be a small black object on the floor in front of the ‘kicking’ officer’s boot. Was this, as you suggested, the object of the kick?
It’s a pity there isn’t a photo of that moment taken from a different angle. Photographs really can lie.