Jolly Good

The only thing I would say about the jailing of Anjem Coudary is that it is too little, too late. This vile scumbag has been allowed to peddle his festering ideology for far too long. He should have been sent back to the Islamic shithole he crawled out from via a Hercules and dropped from thirty thousand feet.

Anjem Choudary, the notorious Islamist preacher, is facing life in prison with a minimum term of 28 years for directing a secret terrorist propaganda operation over the course of ten years.

Choudary, 57, from Ilford, East London, helped found al-Muhajiroun (ALM) in 1996 and spent nearly 30 years running their operations under dozens of different names.

Members have been linked to at least 16 different terrorist plots and senior members travelled to Syria, where Siddhartha Dhar and Reza Haque, joined an ISIS execution squad.

Choudary himself was an associate of Woolwich killer Michael Adebolajo, London Bridge terrorist Khuram Butt and Fishmongers’ Hall attacker Usman Khan.

He celebrated the 9/11 attacks as a ‘towering day in history’ and Omar Bakri Muhammad, the group’s leader, labelled the 7/7 attackers the ‘fantastic four’ before he fled the UK in August 2005, claiming he had shut down the organisation nine months earlier.

The man is evil. Pure, unadulterated evil. In a civi8lised society we should not tolerate his evil and should have expunged it a long, long time ago. Still, this is better than nothing, I suppose.


  1. He should have just been buried.
    Quietly. No muss. No fuss.
    Just a hole somewhere, nice and deep.

    We should also do the same for that twat who threw that poor French child from the Tate Modern gallery.
    And more recently, that utter piece of garbage from Southport.
    And the people who were supposed to be caring for that poor boy who was abused and neglected during lockdown.

    No ceremony. No chance for them to cry foul and play the victim. Just a nice, deep hole. Fill it in. List them as ‘Missing’.

    • In less civilised societies that’s exactly what would happen. We are supposed to be better than that, though when you look at the life these wastes of oxygen will be living, no cares, three meals a day, hordes of taxpayer-funded psychologists telling them their crimes weren’t really their fault, I find myself wondering just who it’s better for

    • Couldn’t agree more.
      That poor French child creeps into my dreams when I least expect it, and I wake devastated at what happened.
      The event was awful beyond comprehension.

  2. All we need to do is arrest, try, and put in prison any hate preacher. The important aspect of this is to do it every damn time, without pearl clutching about ‘sensibilities’.

    And then, where legal, send them back.

  3. We need to publicly execute them. Cover them in Pigs blood and then hang them.

    The don’t see death as an issue but as a stepping stone as they can be with Allah and he will reward them for their crimes.

    Taking their souls means no reward as is a punishment.

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