Unexpected Bonus

Useless Yousef thinks he might leave the UK.

Humza Yousaf has said he may be forced to leave the UK because of far-right riots.

The former Scottish First Minister said the last week has been “utterly horrendous” as violent disorder has erupted in British towns and cities.

Mr Yousaf, who was the first Muslim leader of a Western democracy, told The News Agents podcast: “It is a strange feeling when your very sense of belonging is questioned.

Well, whodathunk it? Even the riots have an upside. Who in their right mind would want this toxic turd to remain? Bugger off to Palestine and don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

“Look, I’m about as Scottish as they come. Born in Scotland, raised in Scotland, educated in Scotland, just welcomed my third child here in Scotland, was the leader of the Scottish Government for just over a year, leader of the Scottish National Party. You cut me open, I’m as about as Scottish as you come.

Nope. Not remotely Scottish. He’s an Islamist and Islamism has no place in the UK.

“But the truth of the matter is, I don’t know whether the future for me and my wife and my three children is going to be here in Scotland or the United Kingdom, or indeed in Europe and the West, because I have for some time really worried about the rise of Islamophobia.

There’s no such thing as Islamophobia. It’s a construct used by creatures such as Yousaf to villify any and all dissent from his hardline Islamism.

“I wrote a column about it actually just about a month ago, the rise of the far-right driven by Islamophobia in Europe, UK and the West.

Yadayadayada, far right. You can fit the far right in the back of a Vauxhall Corsa. What he means is ordinary decent people who are complaining about the rise of Islam in the UK and the likes of Yousaf taking power where they have no business being. So, yeah, fuck off. No one will miss you.

“And by the way, I’m not the only one. I’ve had hundreds of messages, hundreds of messages from the Muslim community saying the exact same thing.”

See above. A mass exodus of Muslims will be a step in the right direction. The desire by them to impose their backwards religion on the rest of us is unwelcome, so, go on, practice what you preach and piss off to some Islamic shithole. Go on, do it.


  1. WFM. Humza is a made man in the WEF. He has married the daughter of a multi billionaire. The chances of him staying in a Scotland reduced to conditions approaching those that Rabbie Burns would be familiar with, except with different religious zealots. No sinner’s stool for the miscreant. Just a swift blade swinging in the dreich.
    No, California, here I come.

  2. I think the equally appalling Baroness Warsi was saying something similar about ‘hundreds of messages’ from Muslims wanting to leave. Almost every non- Muslim I spoke suggested if it were genuinely true they’d chip in for cabs to the airports and flights. Might even consider a ticker tape parade to see them off. If only it were the case. What an odious piece of work he is. May even be more fundamentally evil than Richard Murphy.

  3. If he was an agreeable person you would sit him down and discuss how his concerns about the future ‘here’ and about the future ‘elsewhere’ were based on evidence rather than emotions.

    But since his opinions have been formed in a political environment where reality and policy seldom match then I suggest no-one wastes their time.

    Plus talking about being ‘as Scottish as the come’ suggests that he is keeping his options open to stay.

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