Oh, FFS!

It was all Pootin’s fault.

There is “clear” Russian involvement in the far-right riots and security services will be looking closely at the instigators, a former head of the MI6 Russia desk has said.

Christopher Steele, the ex-spy who compiled a notorious dossier on Donald Trump’s relationship with Russia, said that security officials would be “looking very carefully” at the people encouraging anti-immigration riots in the past fortnight.

Bollocks. Diamond encrusted bollocks on stilts. These people really do think we will fall for any old lie no matter how outrageous it is. And they accuse us of being conspiracy theorists. FFS!


  1. Russia doesn’t know I exist, or care. My own government hates me and lies to me. Which is the threat?

  2. “There is “clear” Russian involvement in the far-right riots and security services will be looking closely…”
    Should also have mentioned: There is “clear” Chinese involvement in the far left and security services will be looking the other way.

  3. I’m sure the Russians were paying close attention to the riots.
    They were probably all sat around watching it on a projector with popcorn and beers, pissing themselves laughing at the situation.
    The idea that they were all set off by the Russians is laughable. Plenty of home grown problems without needing to look for foreign actors and it just shows what they want us all to believe to sign up for war against the Ruskies that they’re planning.

  4. Christopher feckin’ Steele! You couldn’t make this shit up.

    Although no doubt he’d have a damn good try. It seems to be his forté.

  5. If the Russians are watching what is happening here, they’re giving thanks they have Putin, who isn’t going to allow his country or its people or their way of life to be destroyed in any way.

    What was that saying about not interrupting an enemy whilst he’s busy making a complete bollocks of everything.

  6. If they want to know what sparked off the “far right” riots , they need look no further than Whitehall and Westminster.

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