Quelle Horreur

How awful.

A plume of hot weather pushing in from North Africa looks set to scorch parts of Britain, according to the latest weather maps.

Mapping from WX Charts generated on Sunday (August 18) show 25C in Greater London by the start of September, with maximum temperatures in the mid-20Cs for much of England.

A mildly warm summer day then. Checks calendar. Yup, it’s August, so still summer and this is precisely what I should be expecting. A few more degrees would be nice, though. So why the headline:

UK weather: Moment 34C North African heatwave strikes Britain detailed in horror new maps

Okay, so a rhetorical question. These charlatans really are grabbing at straws. Summer weather in high summer is a horror now. FFS!

If the maps prove accurate this far ahead, Northern Ireland will see temperatures range between 11C and 13C.

Fucking Hell, break out the sunscreen and parasols.

Temperatures will most likely be cooler in the northwest and warmer in the southeast, according to the Met Office.

Or as we like to say, ‘normal.’


  1. They really can’t leave it alone, can they? Reminds me of my younger self at a church dance and asking one of the row of young ladies if she cared to jiggle her bones. She said no but I persisted along the entire row, receiving negative replies every time. Sixty years later, I still don’t know why I didn’t just give up after the first couple.

  2. And will we hear of people dying of the cold because their heat pumps can’t work at lower temperatures? I guess not. Heat is now the fashionable bad guy and Cold gets a pass.

  3. The BBC is currently carrying a story about a case of people being killed by polar bears. They can’t resist repeating the lie that polar bears are in decline. This is due to declining sea ice, which is also a lie. At least the story that we get summer weather in summer is actually true. It’s not really a story though.

  4. You people still haven’t got the message, have you? Hot weather is evidence of global warming/climate change/climate emergency. Cold weather? Well, that’s just weather.

  5. Well, you couldn’t see your way clear to sending us damp souls in the wilder west of Ireland a week or so of this globule worming could you? Happy to take it off your hands in exchange for a couple of weeks of rain in exchange.

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