A Tale of Two Cities

London and Shenzhen.

A distraught Londoner has described the horrifying moment his phone was stolen ‘right from my hands’ and the confusion he felt when two weeks later it surfaced at an infamous Chinese port.

On the face of it, this story is about phone theft and the international scale involved. However, I see another side to it. Our capital city is no longer ours. It has become a hotbed of crime. A place where we are now the minority. When I retired from railway work, I swore that I would never go to London again. It was already an unrecognisable shithole even then – some of the streets looked more like Islamabad than our capital city (Stratford, I’m looking at you).  Phone theft such as this is a symptom of a wider disease. A disease that is now causing ructions on our streets across the country.

Mass uncontrolled immigration has led to a country that is no longer home for people like me. So, no, I will never go back to London. Indeed, my own city of Bristol is rapidly degenerating in a similar fashion and there are places I will avoid going. On another matter, I have also decided to terminate my relationship with the riding school I work for in Bristol (long story and one I will discuss in a few weeks when everything is settled), in part because I am sick of having diversity thrust upon me in the form of students who think that they can just turn up and get a CBT certificate without bothering to speak English and when on the road are terrifyingly dangerous. One day, one of us will witness a student being killed or seriously injured because they have no concept of our road systems or how to behave on them. It’s got to the point where I look at the diary and see the names and my heart sinks.

So, as have others, I have seen where this policy leads and I don’t like it. For my own sanity and stress levels, I’ve made the decision to move away from it. I suspect there will come a time when I actually move as far away as I can. I’m not there yet, but it’s on the agenda.

So, yes, it’s a story about phone theft, but it’s also a story about modern London, a crime-ridden hell hole that has become unrecognisable in my lifetime.


    • Joking aside, I rarely issue CBT certificates to these clowns. A significant number are riding illegally anyway. The DVSA attitude is that it is better we issue than they ride illegally, hence part of my falling out with them.

      Seriously, back to France?

      Unlikely. More like rural England. It all depends on things like house prices and timing. I can’t do anything for a couple of years anyway due to personal circumstances.

      • Rural England will fall as well.
        It’s inevitable.

        The war in Ukraine can’t last forever, have you considered moving there after it settles down? (Assuming you’re still with your Ukrainian missus…)

        I can’t see there being the same problem with dusky hued individuals when a significant portion of the population are actual Nazis – see Azov battalion.

        It’s Eastern Europe for me and mine. Haven’t decided where specifically, we will closer to when we need to move because things get too bad.

        • Poland and Hungary are on my list in Eastern Europe as they don’t seem to have drunk the same koolaid as the rest of the EU. Maybe Switzerland although it has more stringent visa requirements.
          Current favourite is the Isle of Man – english speaking (if you understand Scouse) and less of a change from the mainland UK.

  1. For what it’s worth, I don’t think there is anywhere that hasn’t been invaded. Our local city (Lincoln) is infested with non-whites. Two years ago, (before I had to retire hurt) there were few, and most of them had been here some time. Now the ‘university’ is filled with ‘students’ mainly of a different hue. Today, I had to go into town, there were more non-white people than ever. Many were young, and probably students, but a lot weren’t. We have more Turkish money launderers, sorry, barbers than any other businesses on the high street too.

  2. Oh it’s everywhere, the same money laundering establishments & pestiferous scooter delivery lunatics are to be found in the streets of Aberdeen & Inverness ( courtesy of the educational establishment wanting income for pointless qualifications?).
    So even the frozen north is experiencing the vibrancy
    ( Not sure about Western Isles or Shetland though?)

  3. Yes it’s a foreign country and not a very nice one. I’ve been in communication with tfl about a matter and when i first rang them the asian on the other end of the phone asked me to spell my name – not the usual query about my surname but my christian name which is the highly unusual name of Robert. Obviously not a common name in whatever shithole he crawled out of in east london.

  4. ’…some of the streets looked more like Islamabad than our capital city (Stratford, I’m looking at you). ’

    Things have changed a lot. It now looks more like Lagos.

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