
This is a breach of the right to freedom of association.

Banning a transgender woman from a female-only app constituted unlawful discrimination, a judge has found in a landmark gender-identity case.

The Giggle for Girls app and its founder Sall Grover were on Friday ordered to pay $10,000 in compensation and legal costs to a user kicked off the single-gender platform.

This is a disgraceful judgement and I hope that they appeal and keep appealing until sense and sanity prevail. The whole point about this app is that it was intended for women. This bloke – and he is clearly a bloke – is not a woman and never will be. Ergo, they had every right to ban him because he didn’t meet the relevant criteria for membership.

Although, I guess, this is the end game of the demands for men only clubs to open their doors to women. Reap what you sow, I suppose. But even so, I’m with Giggle on this one.

‘The indirect discrimination cases succeeded because Ms Tickle was excluded from the use of the Giggle app because she did not look sufficiently female according to the respondents,’ Justice Robert Bromwich said.

That’s because he isn’t. Not remotely.

The court was told Ms Grover had persistently misgendered Ms Tickle in media interviews and across hundreds of posts about the case made to her 93,000 online followers.

‘The continued, deliberate misgendering of her cannot detract from the fact that she is a woman,’ Ms Costello argued.

Nope. She correctly referred to him as a man. One day, historians will look back on this era and shake their heads at the collective insanity that allowed judgements like this to happen and where the courts and the media repeatedly mangle the language to say the a man is a woman and vice versa.


  1. If you dump ten men and ten transgender ‘women’ on an island to return in a hundred years, you will find twenty skeletons.
    If you dump ten men and ten women on an island to return in a hundred years, you will find a thriving civilization.
    Biological reality cannot be overruled just because of feelz.

  2. Maybe they should change their name to Giggle for XX or something similarly exxplicit or exxclusionary. It is clearly possible legally for a man to become a woman, but it’s not possible for him to change his XY to XX.

    Of course, it shouldn’t be necessary to go to such lengths but needs must…

  3. ’One day, historians will look back on this era and shake their heads at the collective insanity that allowed judgements like this to happen…’

    I used to think so, at the start of all this, but frankly the ideology capture has been so fast and so all-encompassing I’m no longer so sure.

  4. What kind of waste of a skin pretends to be a woman, joins a women only group and then takes them to court for throwing him out? Was it just a scam to make a fast buck? Or does this guy really need to get an effing life?

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