Ah, Of Course

Cur Two-Tier Kier Stasi is doing what Labour always do when faced with his own failures. Blaming the Tories.

The Prime Minister will blame the Conservatives for riots that swept the country in an extraordinary attack on the previous Government.

Sir Keir Starmer will say thugs that attacked police and set fire to vehicles believed they would get away with it because “the system was broken” after 14 years of Tory rule.

Go on, blame Thatcher while you are at it. This is down to you and you alone. It is nothing to do with the previous government – well, the uncontrolled immigration is, but both parties are fans of that, so blaming the other lot is like the kid saying the big boys made him do it and ran away. What a disgusting charlatan this piece of shit really is. Most of the country did not vote for his government and he has no mandate to govern – a large majority in parliament does not equate to majority support out here in the real world. To rub salt into the wound, he has no competence, either. Nor personality. Nor people skills. In fact, nothing, really other than his far left Marxist politics that most of us grew out of once we entered the world of work.

1 Comment

  1. It’s funny, isn’t it? The far-left seem to think that rioting, looting, arson and murder are justifiable when done in response to the police killing a black person – in this country in 2011, or the Floyd George case in the US.

    Back in 2011, did the gubbermint of the time blame the riots on 13 years of New Labour? I don’t recall them doing so.

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