This is News Apparently

A somewhat mediocre nineties band are reforming and this is all over the news. You can’t move for it. They didn’t impress me the first time around, so I don’t suppose anything will have changed. What it does tell us is that the media is constantly trying to distract us with frippery while our liberties and cash are being stolen by the most extreme far left government I’ve ever experienced and I include the Blair government in that line-up.

But, no, a couple of middle aged brothers have buried the hatchet so they can reform their band and this is important, supposedly.


  1. The Beeb regularly give free advertising to Luvvies for the latest new show, book, recording, etc. They have been doing it for years. All at the Licence Payer’s expense.

    • What makes you think it’s free? Somewhere down the line (or high up the line), there’ll be some big fat brown envelopes changing hands, I’d wager. Or some exotic holidays, a new SUV, some Columbian marching powder . . . . .

  2. It’s not just the liberties and cash.
    In the past few days:

    Hezbollah and Israel firing rockets/bombs at each other
    US navy has highest level of presence in the area ever – several carrier groups.
    Belarus moving approximately a third of their military towards N Ukraine
    Russia launched massive, infrastructure crippling strikes against Ukraine.
    Ukraine says going to use F16s in its invasion of Russia

    Oh, and Ukraine lines crumbling in the Donbass region

    There’s a good chance these conflicts are going to expand and get hotter, which could draw us in.
    Remember we helped Israel shoot down the last Iranian attack…

    But don’t worry, Oasis is getting back together. So we can all enjoy another rendition of Wonderwall…

  3. The only serious news issued seems to be about Surkeir intending to hammer us with taxes because he is “surprised” (Aye, right) that those naughty Tories have left him with a wrecked economy. Which is very unsporting of the Tories, because they normally hand over a fairly fiscally healthy nation for the Natural Socialist government to bugger up.

    • But if it’s so bad, how come they could afford to give enormous pay-rises to their pals in the public sector unions? When trying to climb out of a hole, the last thing you should do is dig it deeper.

  4. It isn’t really big news that an aging band does a tour, it happens with regular montiny, but a lot of people like them, and folk do need entertainment while the world turns to shit

  5. I read on another blog that the BBC are giving blanket coverage to the momentous Oasis reunion, even the infamous Thought For The Day has got in on the act, Noel and Liam are a bit like Cain and Abel apparently.

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