Nasty Piece of Shit

Two Tier Cur Kier Stalin.

Sir Keir Starmer today confirmed he is considering a ban on outdoor smoking amid claims it could see Brits barred from lighting up in beer gardens or outside stadiums.

The Prime Minister told journalists on a visit to Paris he is looking at changes to smoking laws as he pointed to a ‘huge burden’ on the NHS.

According to leaked plans, the Government is set to ban smoking in some outdoor areas in a bid to improve public health.

No one voted for this little bit of tyranny. No one. Yet here we have this nasty little tin pot Pol Pot deciding that he is responsible for the health of others. No, he is not. It is none of his godammned business.

I always knew we were in for a rough ride as these Stalinist shits got power for the next five years. So I’m not surprised. I hate this man and everything he represents with every fibre of my being.

Oh, yeah and this ban will have as much effect on the public’s health as all of the other idiotic authoritarian schemes these vile fuckers have already tried.


  1. I’ve come to the conclusion that each generation has to experience labour for themselves before they understand why their parents/grandparents voted for the ‘nasty party’.
    Pleased to see mein Starmfuhrer is so determined to leave zoomers under no illusion that Labour has any workable answers and just makes things worse.

    • Yes, but this goes far beyond just experiencing “labour”, which, like “tory”, is the just the skin of a once great party (never voted for it, but you can’t deny the early labour had its moments) draped over a disgusting parody.

      I think they have to experience the reality of “woke” and nut zero as well. And let them be “de-colonised” and all the other debased, targeted viciousness.

      If the Irish tricolour and the red right hand of ulster can come together, maybe, just maybe they might realise that we wacist, bigoted dinosaur gammons are not actually the enemy.

  2. Labour: we’re going to remove all your freedoms and prioritise illegals while hammering you with even more super high taxes and calling you racist if you complain about the diversity stabbing your children.

    Also labour: why are you rioting?

  3. Starmer talks about the cost of smoking to the NHS. A major medical cost is end of life care – dementia. Smokers die earlier (on average) so do not need this. They die before or soon after starting to collect their state pensions and pay a lot in tobacco taxes. Starmer knows that smoking is not a cost to the NHS so he is lying.

    Friedrich Hayek wrote a book in 1944 called The Road to Serfdom. It warned of the danger of tyranny that results from government control of the economy, the loss of freedoms and the creation of an oppressive society. What we have now is not an NHS that serves the people but the people are expected to serve the NHS.

    • In the Collectivist view of things *everything* serves the state. How are you going to reach Utopia if people are dragging their feet? (Sarcasm).

      Which means that ordinary people are made ‘the boss of you’ having no exceptional skills but a backing of ‘right-think’ and an armour of bureaucracy.

  4. The Tories have proved themselves to be Labour in sheep’s clothing and therefore unelectable this year.
    By the time the next vote comes around everyone will see that Labour are unelectable.
    That ought to be good news, and the electorate ought to look elsewhere.
    Sadly, by that time people will have forgotten the first bit.

  5. I thought one of the burdens on the NHS was the resultant children of cousin marrying which is a practice followed by our new citizens, a ban on this would save a few bob.

    • In Bradfordistan there has been a project running for 10 years or more, ‘Born In Bradford’, medically analysing the lives of all children born in that ruined city.
      I think we all know why, as our Cornish friend alludes above, just as we all know that the resultant data will never see the light of day but walk around there (if you dare) and the results in the flesh are all around you.

  6. I understand that Starmer’s masters plans do not, as yet, include inside private residences. I wonder if that will include private clubs, entry via membership? If so, will that also include the terrace by the Thames in the Houses of Parliament? Can’t see these numpties giving up something they deny the rest of the population from doing.

  7. If everyone who smokes ignores this idiocy then it ends. There are no places left to lock anyone up and they can go to hell for a fine. Who will police this anyway? There are no police around here (country village).

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