Petty, Spiteful and Childish

Two Tier Cur Kier.

Sir Keir Starmer has had a portrait of Margaret Thatcher removed from No 10 Downing Street, according to his biographer.

Tom Baldwin said that the prime minister found the £100,000 painting, which was commissioned by Gordon Brown, “unsettling” – sparking outrage among Conservative MPs.

This says so much about the man. He has no talent and no competence for a role for which he is entirely unsuited, but this little bit of petty spite really sums up his lack of maturity.


  1. Can you imagine how scathing she would have been about our current crop of utterly worthless politicians? She would regularly destroy the idiot Neil Kinnock but he was an eminent statesman compared with the current crop.

    • Stony

      I don’t think’s Kinnock’s treason in the service of the EU forgivable but he was a Rocky Marciano compared with the current cabinet. I think every single incumbent minister has no peer in terms of ineptitude with any cabinet minister in history – look
      At Starmer. Already the worst PM in history after nary 2 months in office! And he is among the best they have to offer! Shocking

      • I think Starmer is among the worst, but there are several vying for that title: Brown, May, Sunak just in the last few years.

  2. I think it is for show, like taking the knee. It will appeal to the ‘good haters’ who said they wanted to do disgusting things to MT’s grave. Keir is all front and no back.

  3. I’ve not agreed politically with a lot of Labour politicians, and I’ve despised a few, but I’ve never felt such visceral hatred for one before this man. There something truly repellent about him.

    • Same with me. Even my loathing for the fantasist, narcissist, pathological lying war criminal doesn’t even come remotely close to my total and intense loathing of the der sturmer creature.

      But three months ago, I though he was just a vacuous hole in the air!

      I think there’s something more going on though and I would posit it’s the utter and complete lack – refusal – to even hint at acknowledging that there is ANY ground for objecting to the dictats.

      Even the autistic, snot gobbling pension fund raper could occasionally manage that!

      All pretence has been dropped. Whether this was der sturmers decision or it’s the labour machine I don’t know, but in doing so they crossed a line.

      The two tier everything has been apparent for years now (and the tories are as guilty) but it’s finally been admitted (they won’t see it like that of course) and cannot any longer be denied (not that they are even trying!)

      It is a depressing thought that million will still vote labour and tory in 2029 (or whenever) but surely this has to be the end for the uni-arse.

  4. That fact that Stammer (as my spellchecker insists on calling him) has a biographer when he has done naff all outside being a lawyer and a politician is frightening.
    Now if Tom Bower was to consider a biography of 2TK, that could be interesting. . . . .

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