1. I find it encouraging that, after the modern relaunch, Doctor Who found a much younger audience. The same younger audience that is now deserting in droves. I haven’t watched in a long time so I don’t know if wokery is the problem or that it’s just shit nowadays, I don’t really care much.

  2. We watched the first episode of the new Doctor and decided that we wouldn’t watch any more BBC Doctor Who Propaganda. Same with Strictly. Same with Casualty.

    Go woke, go broken perhaps? My wife doesn’t want to cancel the licence as she still watches some BBC programs. But I firmly believe that the BBC should be defunded, and I would deeply resent the BBC continuing under ‘general taxation’

  3. I sat down and watched the new Doctor Who with a bit of apprehension. I wasn’t expecting much and sure enough about 10 minutes in was the slap in the face full wokery. I switched it off and watched something else.

    It’s to get people like me watching that they take loved shows and turn them woke. They have a starter audience and many will still watch the lot end to end where they would turn off a new show after the first half hour.

    Well I’ve put up with the woke stuff and each series I’m hoping its changed but well before the end of the first episode I’ve turned it off and not watched any of the rest of the series. Been doing that since Capaldi.

    We might get it back but I’m not holding my breath. I’ll watch the next series and the first sign of wokery I’m off.

    The BBC can only afford to do this crap as it gets its cash at the point of a gun.

  4. Can anyone explain how a low-budget, low-production-values childrens’ psuedo-SciFi series from the 60’s turned into some sort of cult, apparently watched by lots of people who claim to be adults?

    It’s extraordinary.

    • Probably because those children who grew up with it are now adults. The reboot was aimed in part at adults, although I tired of it as it was trite and woke.

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