Maybe Not

So, women are supposed to take her advice.

A model has boasted she’s the ‘world’s most wanted girlfriend’ after claiming she’s received applications from 5,000 men who want to date her.

Vera Dijkmans, who lives in London, set tongues wagging when she announced on social media that she would be accepting applications from men to be her boyfriend.

Despite being flooded with thousands of responses, the 27-year-old said it was slim pickings to find a mate as only three of the thousands of men fit her strict criteria.

So how did it work out? Oh, it didn’t. Having whittled it down to three, it still didn’t work out.

However sadly, no romance blossomed for Vera, who has over seven million followers across social media.

Now she has shared tips on how to attract the right man – and revealed where other women are going ‘wrong’.

Having looked at her criteria, I’m not overly surprised. She’s a self-obsessed narcissist who has no consideration for the other person in this process. Run, lads, run as far as you can. I think the many successful women in stable relationships are the ones who are getting it right here. They are the ones other women should listen to.


  1. Do you think that she totally lacks any self awareness then? Demonstrate that you are totally shit at something and then offer to educate those who get it right as to the error of their ways. Makes perfect sense.

  2. I noticed this story too. “Now she has shared tips on how to attract the right man”. Which is very strange, considering that she very obviously hasn’t done so herself. Perhaps I could share my tips on how to make a fortune, or travel through time?

  3. With an arse like that, did she consider men from an Afro-Caribbean heritage?

    I’m reliably informed by Sir Mix-A-Lot that these gentlemen “Like big butts”. Although he does go on to state they cannot lie which I think is a bit of a fib!

  4. I’m bemused by this whole internet dating thing.

    Are there really 5000 bods so desperate they’d bother ‘applying’, for Petes sake lads have some bloody self respect.

    Hips and arse like that now it’ll probably be a hippo in 20 years, not as i’ll ever be an oil painting nor in any position to criticise but then i’m not plastering my ugly mug over the pages of some rag for clicks.

  5. Which just goes to show that with a potential pool of 5,000 men, she’s not satisfied or happy and confirms that modern women are impossible to please.

    And they wonder why men just don’t bother any more.

    Cue the chorus of “Where are all the good men/gentlemen/chivalrous knights” from the women.

    My advice? Buy shares in boxed wine, cat food and cat litter companies. They’ll be doing a roaring trade in the future.

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