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More on Christmas and Stuff

December 18, 2004 2

Further to my comments on Christianity yesterday, I see the Pope has waded in criticising Italian schools’ decisions to cancel nativity plays incase they offend […]

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Canary Warf “Attack Foiled”

November 23, 2004 0

This piece of utter bollocks is typical of that little englander rag, the Daily Mail. Not covered anywhere else, and with no provenance other than […]

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Loud Pipes Save Lives?

November 12, 2004 0

The RiderSite boys have been discussing the merits of after-market exhaust systems and the effect it may have on their insurance cover. I have a […]

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More Post Office Closures

November 1, 2004 0

I commented last week about our post office closing. Now it seems main post offices are set to close. Where will it end? I know […]

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Trick or Treat

October 30, 2004 0

The people over at RiderSite are having a go at the old trick or treat custom. It’s the usual complaint of course; one that Brits […]

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That Time Of The Year

October 25, 2004 0

There’s an interesting discussion going on over at Rider Site about Christmas. One wag decided to get in first with his greetings. This led to […]

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Post Office Closures

October 23, 2004 0

Our Post Office closed this week. Despite mobilisation of the local community and the MP. So, consultation really means, we’ll give you the impression that […]