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The Absolute Certainty

November 17, 2014 Longrider 5

Of the religious fanatic. Pope Francis denounced the right to die movement on Saturday, saying that euthanasia is a sin against God and creation. The […]

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November 10, 2014 Longrider 7

Rowan Williams rises like a zombie in the night. There is no need to “panic” about Muslim primary school teachers wearing the full-face veil in […]

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So Go, Then…

November 7, 2014 Longrider 8

Oh, but you want your cake… Radical cleric Anjem Choudray has claimed he would renounce his British citizenship and live under the rule of Isis, […]

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November 5, 2014 Longrider 8

Andrew Brown talks bollocks at CiF. Well,are we surprised? It is a trope among people who loathe and fear Islam that their fear and loathing […]

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On Yer Bike

October 15, 2014 Longrider 12

Tony B Liar has crawled out of the woodwork. A global drive is needed to tackle the roots of extremism by making education systems in […]

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October 4, 2014 Longrider 4

Despite the pleading going on this past few days, this morning’s news was predictable, really. A video purporting to show UK hostage Alan Henning being […]

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Yes, Yes, They Are

September 14, 2014 Longrider 8

Muslims. Speaking from Downing Street this morning, the Prime Minister condemned Mr Haines’ killers and said the UK would “hunt down those responsible and bring […]

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British Values?

August 3, 2014 Longrider 3

The Arch Dhimmi has been at it again. Islam is rejuvenating “British values”, the former Archbishop of Canterbury has claimed while lambasting sections of the […]

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Oh, Do…

July 29, 2014 Longrider 13

Just fuck off! The Scottie dogs used to lead out athletes in the Commonwealth Games opening ceremony in Glasgow were “disrespectful” to Muslims, according to […]

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July 4, 2014 Longrider 4

Suits me just dandy. A British man who claims he has been fighting alongside jihadi militants in Syria has told the BBC that the UK […]