BBC NEWS | Politics | Brown cuts basic tax rate by 2p

Chancellor Gordon Brown announced a cut in the basic income tax rate from April 2008 in a surprise move at the end of what is likely to be his last Budget.

BBC NEWS | Politics | Brown cuts basic tax rate by 2p.

Makes a nice headline, doesn’t it? Sounded good when he announced it; leering across at the opposition benches, didn’t it? But, as is usual, he is fucking over the poor. Ninety nine stealth taxes behind him and as Ming pointed out today:

Liberal Democrat leader Sir Menzies Campbell said it was “a Budget of missed opportunities” and abolishing the 10p starting tax rate meant income tax would be increased for many people.

“We are asking the poor to subsidise the rich,” Sir Menzies told MPs.

What an absolute shit this chancellor is! Anyone who thinks this scheming arsehole represents the interests of the poor in this country needs to do a little maths… Ah… yes, of course, they fucked up our education system so royally that precious few can do the sums, so will troop into the polling booth and put a cross next to the red rose believing that this obnoxious shower of shits actually represents their interests. They don’t. They represent their own interests and no one else’s.

I once thought I’d never say this, but vote for any fucker before you vote for this bunch of shysters… well, almost anyone, if it’s them or the BNP, spoil your paper – there are limits.

More thoughts on this budget over at the Devil’s Kitchen.


  1. And, of course, the drop of 2% is from April 2008 but still the BBC gives him the headline this particular act of shysterism was designed to produce.

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