General Silliness

Sometimes people can be inadvertently amusing. On my arrival back in the UK in November, I became pissed off at the plethora of junk mail landing on the front door carpet. I include in my definition of junk mail, those useless free newspapers. I don’t read them and don’t want them. What happens is that they land on the carpet, I pick them up and put them straight out in the recycling bin. Waste of time and waste of paper.

So, I put a little sticker on the letterbox stating that I don’t want this stuff. It’s taken about six weeks, but it does look as if the person who delivers it has finally noticed. My mother in law called today and as she pulled up, this person accosted her and asked if she lived here. On being advised that she didn’t, he exclaimed indignantly that we had put a note on the door saying that we didn’t want the free newspaper. He was, according to MIL, very grumpy about it. “And”, he said, “if they don’t want it, I won’t deliver it. There’s no point giving them a copy if they don’t want it”. And off he went, taking his huff and his dignity with him.



  1. Probably angry that if everyone puts a “no junk” sticker on their letter box then he’ll be out of work.

    Let’s face it, who else is going to employ the burk.

    An imaginary prize for the best suggestion.

    Personally, I LOVE junk mail – to be precise, I love junk mail with freepost envelopes included.

    I build up a small pile, remove any part which has my name, address or any form of ID number on, then mix ’em all up and pop them in the post.

    I am even toying with the idea of putting lumps of metal in from the scrap bin at work.

    The best bit is that they don’t know who all this is coming from, so can’t stop sending me more junk mail, but have to stump up for the postage costs.

    One day I might get a life……

  2. I’ve learnt to love charity bags, no not for their ostensible purpose but as free substitutes for black bin bags. Charity begging letters containing free pens are quite welcome too, the letters themselves are binned in said charity bags, recycling at its best !

  3. Maaarrghk!: The Freepost address still works if re-written on something larger. I sent one of the organisations I detest most a breeze block once, bubble wrapped and covered in brown paper.

    I so wish I could have been a fly on the wall when it arrived. 😉

  4. Dick.

    I’m not worthy!

    I’m not worthy!

    Glad you weren’t a fly on the desk when it arrived. Splat!

  5. Thing I hate about junk mail is, because we, in Germany, actually have door answer phones and “unlock buttons” that WORK, and I live on the ground floor, I get EVERY arsehole thinking that means I am a fucking doorman!!

    Problem 2;
    Out of 8 flats (9 people) living in our “house” only ONE has not got a “Keine Werbung” (no adverts, although mine is written a tad more…..STRONGLY should we say), and the woman without is only IN the flat two days per month(!).

    O.K. So, given no one wants adverts, HOW BLOODY COME DOES EVERY ARSEHOLE LET THE BASTARDS IN??? (Needless to say I belong to neither “group, and I deffinately do NOT let them in.)

    HOW can these people moan like HEL for MONTHS because the “Lock is not a proper security one and any one could open it”, THEN from the first, second THIRD floor, WITHOUT checking, let EVERY arsehole in that can ring a bell and manage to say “Werbung” in the intercom?

    WHAT fekin USE was all that trouble over a “more secure lock”???

    I do not know who these advert arseholes are, and I am bloody SURE that them on the upper bloody floors don’t. Could be Jack the bloody ripper for all THEY know.


  6. You should see what a notice with “the implied right of access has been denied…” does to the TV Licensing salesman.

    The look of disapointment on their faces as they scratch their heads and walk away is a sight to behold.

  7. Where I live in rural France, junk mail is delivered by the postman. Rubbish collection is privatised and the companies give you a sticker with details of how many tons of junk mail they have to haul away each year.

    If you put the sticker on the mailbox, “Pas de pub” (you can also do your own label when the official one falls off) all junk mail stops.

  8. Don’t start me off on junk mail. I have given up trying to stop it. I too put a small plate on my letterbox asking that I not get this stuff, It was ignored. I then bought a large yellow sign and put it on my front door and I can tell you it was unsightly and hard to miss. Guess what, they ignored it and the reason for all of this is they can’t bloody speak English, yes they are foreign workers and seem to have captured the market in delivering junk mail in my area. I tried to see if the local authority could do something about it but they weren’t interested. I find it all the more annoying because I used to deliver free papers a few years ago to earn a few extra bob, and whenever I came across a sticker asking me not to deliver, I complied, it really isn’t difficult and its good manners.

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