Pedal While You Work

Via The Englishman, the latest bit of nonsense.

Portable pedal machines could be used in every office to improve the health of workers, according to scientists in the US.

Oh, good grief! Is there no absurdity daft enough for these buggers to come up with? Yes, they really do mean while you work.

Now researchers at East Carolina University are investigating mini exercise bikes, which can be used while sat at a desk.

I don’t know about you, but when I’m sitting at a desk, I want to do so calmly without distraction so that I may concentrate on what I’m doing, not puffing away on an exercise bike. Besides, nothing would get me on an exercise bike anyway –  I have a couple of the real things in the garage and they can do what bikes are intended to do –  transport me from one destination to another.

Charity Weight Concern said improving the health of workers would also benefit employers’ bottom lines.

As the Englishman points out, Weight Concern is a fake charity, so should be ignored. What would they know about bottom lines when almost all of their income is extorted from the taxpayer?

One of the outcomes of this “study” was that use of the exercise bikes decreased over time. Well, blow me down, I’d never have expected that. The novelty value wears off as people realise just what a silly idea it is and get on with the business of the day, which is what they are at work for.

Sedentary lifestyles may well be an issue, but it is a matter of personable responsibility and nothing to do with employers. Personally, when working in an office environment, I make sure I move about –  getting away from the computer screen –  use the stairs rather than the lift and so on. I would never start using an exercise bike and when I have been exhorted by employers to take up gym membership, I have always refused. I will never step inside a gym. I like to walk and occasionally cycle. I prefer my exercise to be gentle rather than strenuous and I prefer to make my own decisions about when, where and how. None of which involves those who employ me. Employment is a trade between two parties –  expertise and time in exchange for money. That is all. I intend to keep it that way. I suspect others will do likewise, which is why the exercise bikes at work, while a novelty fad, will be gathering dust in short order.

Of course, despite it being an obviously stupid idea, we can expect that it will shoo-in nicely with the Big Society bullshit. Expect an announcement soon, then.


  1. Ah, but if the bike powered the employee’s only access to Twitter & Facebook it might be a good thing. We could find that more actual work gets carried out…

  2. I think there is another delight for Government in this little piece of foolishness – wait until some bright spark realises he can generate electricity using his staff. An AGW-lover’s dream. Of course, the heat generated and resultant sky-high aircon bill will more than offset any benefits, but that won’t matter, any more than the wind turbine inefficiencies!

    I wrote about the same thing this morning, see what you think…

  3. They are obviously missing a trick here Longrider.

    They could wire the bikes up to generators and power up the whole office! It would look like those old prints of Victorian Prisoners on treadmills.

    Fit and Green! How cool is that!

    Fuckin stupid idea, thank god I work from home.

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