More Scientific Bollocks

This time, we are told –  in the name of science, naturally –  that we should eat less meat. As is usual, the headline is qualified somewhat.

The experts will say the full study has confirmed the link between higher meat consumption and cancer, but is not able to quantify this fully, partly because of the complexity of the data examined, which stretches back to 1998.

In other words, they don’t actually know and have not demonstrated a clear link. So what we get is the ecoloony agenda thrust at us by half-witted politicos. Once again, the name of science is taken in vain and a “study” is presented as irrefutable fact.

Consumers will be told to eat no more than 500g (1.1lb) of red or processed meat each week, or 70g (2.5oz) a day, under recommendations to be issued by the Coalition this week.

And I will tell the coalition this; I will eat as much or as little of whatever I choose (well salted and with plenty of butter) and you will have nothing to do with the matter. Now fuck off and mind your own business.

I can’t be bothered to dissect the rest of this claptrap, but it’s ridded with “could”, “may be” and “is thought to”. In other words, guesses.


  1. So how do they explain those beef loving Argies who refuse to do the “scientific” thing and all die of meat related cancer?

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