Racism Industry

I see that the racism industry is in the news again with nearly 88,000 “racist incidents” being recorded in schools in the past five years (which isn’t that much, frankly).

I listened to a couple of talking heads wittering on this morning on the breakfast news –  much of what they were complaining about is the kind of name calling that children have always indulged in and isn’t something to be worried about –  I put up with far worse during my childhood and survived. One of the talking heads was a Muslim and was complaining because her daughter was called names denigrating Muslims. Thing is, Islam is not a race, it is a religion, so the taunts were not racist.

Ah, but…

A racist incident is defined as any situation perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person.

So, even if the taunts are not actually racist, they are racist if the racism industry says they are.

I am reminded of Humpty Dumpty somewhat.

“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in a rather scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean – neither more nor less.”

Says it all, really. And the BBC obsequiously reports this junk verbatim without a hint of challenge.


  1. “A racist incident is defined as any situation perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person.”

    I look forward to this incident receiving the same treatment as the Stephen Lawrence killing, then.

  2. Well, I think it’s racist to expect me to pay vast taxes to support hordes of unemployable Somalis and Nigerians, where do I complain again? 😮

  3. “A racist incident is defined as any situation perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person.”

    Unless the perceiver is white.

  4. Presumably these are government sponsored talking heads who have a vested interest in not solving the very problem that they are being paid to solve. Road safety campaigners seem to be out of the same mould. Their answer to road safety issues is for everyone just to drive everywhere really slowly. Not only is this never going to happen but they seem to be oblivious to the actual problem, shit driving. there are millions of drivers who have a 100% safety record that spans three or four decades. If most drivers could be brought up to their standard then road traffic accidents would be extremely rare indeed.

  5. So there are about 25,000 schools in the UK. There were 88,000 incidents. That works out to be 17,600 per year. So that means that there were 0.7 incidents per school per year. Or in other words some schools had quite a few incidents, most had one or two, and some had none. The conclusion? Nothing to write home about.

    • That was my reaction. A nice bit of manipulation of stats there. After all, 88,000 sounds nice and scary, not half as dull as 0.7 per year per school. That makes it look like they ain’t necessary an’ all.

  6. “And the BBC obsequiously reports this junk verbatim without a hint of challenge.

    Well, there are challenges….but only from racists. Round and round it goes.

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