I’m Not

Britain’s attitude to the 2012 Olympics has so far been ambivalent at best. Anyone would have thought we were not going to enjoy them.

I have no more interest in someone running a bit faster than someone else or throwing something a bit further than someone else than I have in twenty two prima-donnas chasing a ball about. Mind numbingly tedious. Still, if people want it, that’s fine by me. What really, really sticks in my craw is that the politicians arse raped our wallets to pay for this corrupt junket. Let those who want it pay for it. I will be doing what I can to ensure that I do not witness any of it. There are far better things to be doing. There’s bound to be some drying paint that needs close supervision.

Any government that can afford to piss away our money on this facile display of corporate corruption clearly has access to far too much of it.


  1. I’m with you… I won’t watch any of it.

    I heard today that they have spent £34 million on 750 brand new BMWs to ferry IOC members and other important people about…

    Seven hundred and fifty bastard new cars!

    No doubt they will be sold off at a vast discount to the ‘needy’ once the farce is all over….

  2. It must be a sign of getting old. These bloody things appear to be happening at shorter and shorter intervals.

    Now, if they were a bit more Roman instead of Greek, maybe they COULD just force me to open half an eye. But as it is….Claymores are the only answer.

    • That’s probably because there are so many of them. While each event is four years apart, in-between times there are other events, so they all seem to be going on ad infinitum.

  3. Any government that can afford to piss away our money on this facile display of corporate corruption clearly has access to far too much of it.

    That just about sums it up.

  4. Well said!

    It’s bad enough watching our hard-earned cash being frittered away, but insult is being added to injury by the ceaseless attempts to cheerlead us into rabid enthusiasm for an overgrown sports day.

    The whole thing is an exercise in mutual backslapping by the great and good while the rest of us proles are supposed to gather in our thousands to gape in dumb admiration and trasnports of joy at the spectacle provided by our betters.

    London – currently twinned with North Korea.

  5. What sticks in my throat is that if we had taken that money and put it in to sports education, identifying and financing every scrap of talent for the last 8 years, then we would be looking at a suitcase full of medals.

    Plus, Paris would have all the expense and bother, which they enjoy.

    • Who cares about medals? If you’re into that sport, fine, pay to watch the athletes and build up our industry in it if you like, but as a national good it isn’t there. The East Germans got huge numbers of medals. Didn’t mean that it wasn’t a totalitarian, economic basket case, did it?

      • I seem to having some issues with posting on this subject at Orphans. Hmm! Here’s my impression of the five ringed circus of corruption.

        Those people who are calling for a boycott of the olympics here’s some encouragement. I take it that you may or may not have seen the mercifully short BBC Olympic propaganda piece Eastenders spin off. I did and my first thought is ‘so this is how the BBC interpreted ‘Olympiad’, but with added incompetence.

        Now, don’t hate the actors or the crew taking part in this, they need the money too, just like any one of us, just look at the shallowness of the propaganda and laugh at it.

        I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiments of this post (on Orphans) and I also say ‘Boycott the olympics’, but remember later to make those politicians who agitated for it and used the games as a playground for their egos pay at the ballot box. It”s a shame we cannot vote Lord Coe out of office.

        Recently in Seven Sisters in London I saw what was to me, a microcosm of the London Olympics. It was a closed down public toilet, surrounded by various pools of urine, some dry, some drying, right in front of a council building copiously adorned with expensively printed flags saying ‘celebrate the games’.

  6. KILL
    Kill all the Nazis and fascists who brought us this vileness, at our expense, unasked for, & unwanted..
    Then hide at home till it is over…….

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