Smoking Causes…

Everything, apparently. I mean, who would have thought it causes MS?

One of the leading theories behind multiple sclerosis is a viral infection, but smoking and a lack of vitamin D may make the condition more likely.

Oh, right, it doesn’t. We have the old weasel words “may” make the condition “more likely”, so in other words, the usual junk science. Let’s blame everything on smoking. Ah, but wait, salt gets in there too. Indeed, salt is the main target of the latest scare story:

Now researchers believe they have the first evidence that the amount of salt in our diet may also be contributing.

Along with smoking, salt is the great white evil of the day. Oh, yeah, and processed meat.

Fuck me do these self appointed guardians of our wellbeing ever shut the fuck up? Look, we all die. I’d rather eat what I like and go with a smile on my face a few years earlier than live forever (or at least it will feel like it) dribbling and incontinent in my bath chair having lived a life of monotonous and healthy virtue. Just for the sake of fucking fuckitty fuck, treat us like adults and leave us alone to eat, drink, smoke and do whatever else takes our fancy and let us accept that it might not always be in our best interests. My life. My choices. Now just bugger off and leave me alone, okay?

As an addendum, everyone I’ve ever known with MS has been a lifelong non-smoker. Just sayin’.


  1. My wife always says that she’s never had an ms sufferer in her healthfood shop that hasn’t been on a zero fat diet at some point, usually as part of an iatrogenic cholesterol scare.

  2. According to the mail we are all doomed already. A “Study” says that if your Granny smoked you will die a horrible death from Asthma cos the smoke attaches to your genes and passes down the generations… It’s Twoo It’s Twoo!

    • One of my grannies smoked like a trooper and died of lung complications in her nineties, so it wos smoking wot dun it. The other died of cancer in her sixties and never smoked, so it was smoking wot… Oh!

      Neither I nor my siblings has ever had asthma.

  3. My wife has MS. She started with the symptoms when she was about 39. She is now 71. The main problem is that she cannot use her legs at all. Other problems are much less significant and easier to deal with. There are several different types of MS. The two that I know about are the type that my wife has, which is a gradual, continuous degeneration, and the relapsing/remission type, which shows itself in periods of disability followed by periods of remission.

    Despite decades and decades of research, no one has been able to find a cause. Theories have been based upon epidemiology (the real kind – not the anti-smoking kind). Childhood mumps was a candidate at one time. An oddity is that, as I understand it, black people do not get MS.

    The suggestion that MS has some connection with smoking is junk of the worst kind in that such suggestions are dangerous. They lead people down dangerous paths.

    Why can’t these people be called to account?

    • My uncle had the same type as your wife. A friend’s wife had the other type. My uncle died in his seventies, my friend’s wife was gone by forty. Neither smoked and I treat the suggestion that smoking and MS are in any way related as contemptible junk science.

  4. “Along with smoking, salt is the great white evil of the day. ”

    Ahhh… but you’re forgetting “The greatest health crisis in the history of the world!”


    Just listen to the first ten seconds and you’ll get the message! Although it’s worth watching for a while to see them all bobbing heads in agreement with each other! LOL!

    – MJM
    – MJM

  5. It seems to be a bit of a new tactic these days by the anti-smoking movement – a sort of “get your story in first” one. They take an illness which it seems smokers almost never (or, sometimes, simply never) get, and then, with a bit of jiggery-pokery of some dredged-up statistics, come up with a “could be linked” type of soundbite to associate said ailment with smoking in whatever tortuous way they can. They’ve done the same with Alzheimer’s (which is extremely rare in smokers), breast cancer (where previous studies have shown absolutely no increased risk for smokers), cervical cancer (now pretty much acknowledged as being caused by the Human Papilloma Virus – hence the ability to vaccinate), asthma (despite the rise in childhood asthma directly correlating to the decrease in smokers and thus, children’s contact with ETS), and cot death (again, despite the swiftest rise in cot-death cases in the 1970s and 80s exactly correlating with the decreasing numbers of people smoking in the home, and plateauing out at precisely the same time as the decrease in smokers levelled off).

    Interesting idea about the salt though. Anecdotal, I know, and as a smoker I’m always very suspicious of the medical profession’s inclination to look for a single culprit to point the finger at, but a colleague of mine has recently been diagnosed with MS – now quite advanced, and not a “fun” illness, believe me – and she was someone who, at every single meal, would simply cover her food with truly lavish quantities of salt. Oh, and she’s a non-smoker, too, by the way (a bit of an anti, if the truth be known – now, how ironic is that?) Just sayin’ ….

  6. “Look, we all die. I’d rather eat what I like and go with a smile on my face a few years earlier than live forever…”

    The thing is, in reality land, it doesn’t actually come to some stark choice between only eating healthy food, or eating the kind of food that is literally poison. All sane people know that moderation is the key. Personally I find variety in my diet enjoyable. I don’t really care if the thing that I am eating is healthy or unhealthy, and this is why. Because I eat lots of different things, I am highly unlikely to eat anything that is potentially harmful to excess.

    I am 54, slim, happy and healthy.

    According to the neo-puritans I am seriously overweight, bordering on obese, and already dead.

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