Wheeling out the Racist Canard

Ignoring for a moment that Ken Clark is just another areshole –  well, please, do try –  and we bother to listen to what he has to say, he uses that same tired rhetoric his leader once used to describe Ukip.

In comments that risk angering thousands of voters Mr Clarke said he would describe some Ukip supporters as racists.

Yeeees, so are some Labour supporters, so are some Tory supporters so are some Lib Dem supporters. So what? Some people are racist and they get to vote. Big fat hairy deal. Trying to smear an opposing party with this is likely to merely backfire badly on the person or party trying it on. Indeed, Cameron’s attempt to label Ukip as such has repeated on him like indigestion ever since.

Mr Clarke said: “I’ve met people who satisfy both those descriptions in UKIP. Indeed some of the people who assure me that they are going to vote UKIP I would put into that category. And I rather suspect that they have never voted for me.”

I’m not sure why anyone would vote for you anyway –  after all, you are a bit of a fruitloop… And there’s the rub, of course, every party will be fielding its share of fruitcakes, loonies and closet racists, because these people span the political spectrum. Therefore it is a fool who tries to use it for political advantage.

Ukip has been surging in polls ahead of local elections on May 2, with the latest survey suggesting it could win 100 seats.

Heh! When you are getting desperate, desperate measures would appear to apply –  even if they do make you look stupid and do have the opposite effect to that intended. Many people who now intend to vote Ukip are doing so because the Tories stopped being conservatives and became Labour lite.

The temptation to ordinary voters of UKIP is these are very difficult times. The political class are regarded as having got us into a mess.

There’s no regarded about it. They did and the current lot are no better. So, voting for the big three is just voting for more of the same. Ukip are a useful alternative protest vote and if this costs the Tories dear, that is not necessarily a bad thing.

So, Ken, you carry on insulting us and treating us like recalcitrant children who don’t know our own minds, while forgetting that we can see you for exactly what you are and despise it with every fibre of our being. Whatever Ukip are –  or are not –  they could be worse, much worse; they could be the Conservative party…


  1. At present when I go to vote I never vote for the major parties. The fact that most people do is the reason why these major parties are able to ignore public opinion and do what the hell they want. When the Tories and the Socialists were more polarised, voting for a fringe candidate was almost a vote for the opposition, a waste of your vote at best. Now that I disagree with the policies of all three major parties, and see them all as the enemy, voting for any of them would be a waste of a vote.

  2. I’m 65 years old and I am ANGRY. I’m angry that the Conservative Party which I knew, trusted and always voted for, has betrayed me, all those who have ever voted for it and, most disgracefully of all, this Country. There’s not a fag-paper’s thickness between the three ‘big’ political parties, all of the MPs are in the power game solely for their own aggrandisement and enrichment.
    From now on I am going to vote UKIP. They’re just another political party and will probably not be radically different from the ‘big’ three, but if the Conservatives take note of what is attracting more and more voters to UKIP then one might hope that the present Liebour Light mob will be booted out and some slightly more sensible people will take over. Feint hope, I know, but one can hope.
    My most fervent hope? The complete dissolution of Party Politics with MPs being chosen by their constituency, being accountable to that constituency and representing the wishes, views and desires of their constituency. Should the MPs not fulfil there requirements then they would be subject to recall by a constituency vote to explain why, and possibly (probably?) replaced.

  3. People can say what they like about “UKIP” but their representative was the only one who went door to door for weeks with the mother of a teenaged victim of a vicious mugging in our local park to petition the council to reinstate the lighting of the lamposts in the park at night.

    The poor bugger looked worn out with the physical effort but clearly The Principle kept him going and it paid off.

    So now anyone can walk through the park at night and have their heads kicked in whilst bathed in a flattering orange glow.

    Hey, it’s progress 😉

  4. The irony is that UKIP actually exists because of wankers like Clarke. Not that I especially like Farage or some elements if his party, but it really is time that the big 2 get royally arse fucked. If the people don’t speak now then I fear they never will.

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