Poor Delicate Little Dears

Outraged, upset and horrified by some clothing.

Police have been called to a branch of Asda after a man was seen wandering the aisles wearing a full Nazi SS uniform.

As clearly they have nothing better to do than harass someone in fancy dress.

The supermarket’s manager said he asked the man to leave the Beehive Centre store after receiving a number of complaints from horrified shoppers, with several taking to social media to voice their anger.

Hayley Dunn tweeted: “Just saw a man dressed up as a nazi officer covered in swastikas in Cambridge Asda! That is not cool man, not cool #badcostume.”

Oh, fer cryin’ out loud. When did we become afraid of an item of clothing that was clearly, obviously, a fancy dress costume? I mean, it wasn’t as if he was a real Nazi shooting and gassing people, was it? He was shopping in Asda in fancy dress. These people are so thin-skinned, so ready to take offence at nothing in particular that they rush to their smartphones to tweet their outrage – because you just have to twat your outrage these days if you are one of the hard of thinking. Frankly, a Nazi uniform doesn’t outrage me at all. The self-righteous easily offended thin-skinned idiots who rush to twat their outrage certainly do. It’s a fancy dress costume. That’s it. it does no harm. Whether it is “cool” or not is irrelevant, it is nothing more than dressing up for a party. And, frankly, when it came to style, the Nazis did have a certain flair – it was all the totalitarian murder that was bad, not their dress sense.

“People’s mouths were falling open. You are not going to come out like that unless you want to draw attention to yourself.”

Christ knows how these pathetic morons would have dealt with the real Nazis.


  1. “You are not going to come out like that unless you want to draw attention to yourself.” Sorry, isn’t that the entire point of wearing fancy dress? Had he been dressed as Stalin or “Che” would they have cheered in the aisles? Frankly if you want to dress as a Socialist, the National Socialists did have a certain “style” but the professionally outraged will not allow anything to exist that does not meet with their approval. Liberalism at its best, it is not enough to act the same you must all THINK the same.

  2. “Christ knows how these pathetic morons would have dealt with the real Nazis”

    Co-operated with them in pointing the finger at whatever today’s easy target was, probably…

  3. Never mind Nazi uniforms – what about the shops & pubs which bar UK servicemen/women when they are in uniform? If they consider that to be unacceptable why don’t they also refuse entry to the police?

    I would be far more offended by the sight of a drunken, overweight slob in shell suit, trainers and back to front cap staggering about, shouting into the mobile phone surgically attached to their ear…

      • NOT in this case – not acceptable.

        I refer you to Kipling …
        “Tommy this & tommy that / And chuck the blighter out …
        But he’s the saviour of his country / when the bullets fly about. “

        • Irrelevant. Their gaff, their rules. Don’t like those rules, then boycott the establishment. It is not up to anyone other than the property owner to decide who comes in and who does not no matter how arbitrary those rules. There is no “unacceptable” about it.

    • I have to say Dave my son is serving forces and would not dream of walking into a pub in uniform, it just is not safe these days, for some time now serving personnel have been told not to even travel in uniform, let alone go into a pub in it.
      I think you would find most forces personnel would not dream of going for a drink dressed in their uniform, and I have to agree with LR their gaff their rules, some people will go out of their way to pick a fight with people in uniform, maybe the pubs know their clients and have decided it’s safer all round.

      • Quite so. These days squaddies travel about in mufti. You can still spot ’em a mile off, but they do avoid going about in uniform. Frankly, unless on active duty there is no need for them to be in uniform anyway.

        As for pubs and shops banning them, yes, property rights must come first no matter how much an individual decision may offend our sensibilities. After all, before you know it, we will have the law coming down on folk who don’t want to let a double room to a homosexual couple… Oh!

  4. Oh dear good job I don’t live in Cambridge near this branch of ASDA, as my husband wears a full length black leather coat and has been accused of dressing like a Nazi because he is very interested in Nordic history and wears symbols some people would consider Swastikas, actually he is a Goth and a little bit weird but definitely not a Nazi.
    So now people aren’t allowed to wear what they want, including fancy dress, honestly all this fuss about Mental patient costumes and there were others what on earth is wrong with these people.
    Sad lives nothing better to do I suggest they take up crochet or knitting.

  5. Oh the irony, as always lost on empty headed sheep like social media tossers drawing their silly little phones like a colt 45…do you feel lucky punk.

    These outraged soft buggers have created their very own fascist state and lack the wit to see it, somehow i doubt the real Nazis would have given these drones the time of day, beneath contempt.

  6. “You are not going to come out like that unless you want to draw attention to yourself”

    Hmmmmm I wonder how many of the complainants had those “unique and special to Me” tatoos and piercings that are so popular on display? or those wanky personal reg plates desperately trying to spell something out? Nothing against ’em by the way if that’s you bag – but you cannae moan about some bloke in a trench coat if you’re going to say all these passive aggressive “look at me” things are OK. Personally I (no doubt highly inadvisedly) burst out laughing when I saw the pics of him.

  7. OTOH, I once worked in a laboratory that had several escapees from the NDSAP in it ( & one bloke who’d been in both the Konzentrazionslaager AND the Gulag) …
    One of our people attended a really good party one weekend, and had to borrow a coat to come in to work on the Monday (It was quite cold out) … unfortunately, it was a real Geheimnis Staats Polizei coat!
    One man had palpitations, several got nasty flashbacks, & the individual concerned was strongly advised never to pull that trick again, shall we say?

  8. Went to the pub last night. There was a good crowd in and it was fun. Quite a lot of people had dressed up in appropriate costumes. One guy was dressed in a camouflage jacket and had taped up several red candles into a bungle with wires attached which he had strapped to his chest. He also had a shaggy grey beard, was wearing a round white hat and a long white tunic. He could have been Bin Laden.
    No one batted an eyelid. He even got up and sang in the kerioke after the artiste had finished. Hilarious!

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