Can We Leave Yet?

A European law is being drafted whose original aim was to prevent corporate money-laundering. The objective, supported by the UK, was to force companies to disclose on a register the money and other assets held inside trusts or equivalent legal arrangements.

But officials in Brussels have widened out the proposals as the bill has evolved, to include trusts. The effect could be to force millions of families to compile elaborate accounts of their assets and financial arrangements including insurance policies, property and bequests made in their wills, for entry into a register. And that register, if legislators get their way, could be made available to any member of the public.

There are no words…


  1. Can We Leave Yet?

    We have and shall never return other than for holidays as long as the UK is a member of the EU.

  2. “And that register, if legislators get their way, could be made available to any member of the public.”

    Which would then be used by the likes of the BBC to create a fake public outcry that so many selfish people were hiding so much money from the tax man.

    Giving the UK and EU governments “justification” for even more encroaching laws and blatant theft.

  3. If the EU mandarins actually believe that this will stop money laundering or hamper the movement of the rich’s money they are deluded, what it will do is penalise the people with minor savings schemes. They probably realised this when they formulated the plans but thought that it would catch the mega rich. It wont and they will carry on as normal, it will be the poor sod with a few grand in the bank who will get hit when the Cyprus style bale out happens.

  4. It is a deliberate attempt (again) by the EU on Common Law.

    It’s also an open incitement to murder – think it through – once wills are published in advance ….

    This one will certainly push quite a few waverers into the OUT camp, I hope ….

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