What You Want…

…Isn’t the same as what you can have.

David Cameron has said his aim is to guarantee a “good life” for British workers and families as he launched the Conservatives’ election manifesto.

The prime minister said he wanted “to finish the job” of rebuilding Britain on behalf of “working people”.

He pledged to pass a law to keep minimum wage workers out of tax, double free childcare to 30 hours a week and boost “right to buy” home ownership.

If I didn’t know better, I’d have thought that a  Labour pledge. After all, it is promising free money. Money someone, somewhere will have to stump up. Oh, yeah, people like me.

Besides, a “good life” means different things to different people and it is no place of the government to get involved in such things. Cameron’s role is to provide defence, a criminal justice system and a transport infrastructure, along with health and education. My happiness, or a good life as he calls it is  none of his concern. Besides, for me, a good life is one where the state keeps its nose out of  my business, stops pissing my money away on stuff I don’t want, don’t need and actively oppose. A good  life is  one where we exercise self-reliance and responsibility and stop expecting the government to “do something” every five minutes and the government of the day is so ineffectual, no one even knows who they are.


  1. “If I didn’t know better, I’d have thought that a Labour pledge”

    Blue labour, new labour, limp dems. Not a cigarette paper between the main parties. Why they don’t all open their conferences and election videos with “Money for nothing” by Dire Straits is a matter of constant puzzlement.

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