
The Student’s Union.

The National Union of Students has launched a “payback time” campaign against MPs who broke their 2010 election promise over tuition fees, including leading Liberal Democrats.

There will be posters with the slogan “liar, liar” aimed at MPs who U-turned over their pledge to oppose fee increases for universities in England.

I can’t say I was that impressed with these airheads when I was a student. Nothing has changed in the subsequent four decades. What these brainless morons appear to have forgotten (if they ever had a modicum of intelligence necessary to grasp it in the first instance) is that the Liberal Democrats did not have a majority in the House of Commons. Therefore, any deals they did to form part of a coalition involved compromise. That means some manifesto pledges get dumped in favour of those they can work with, alongside their coalition partners. Had the Lib Dems achieved a majority and governed alone and reneged on their promises, then fair enough. As it was, they didn’t, so anyone who expected them to keep to their manifesto pledges in their entirety is an idiot. Which, frankly, sums up the National Union of Students…

I’d also suggest that they take note for the future… Politicians lie. Get used to it.


  1. Indeed, a political party’s manifesto is an implicit contract with the electorate: “IF you vote us into power THEN we promise to do X, Y and Z.”

    The electorate failed to hold up their end of the bargain: voting the Lib Dems into power.

    The National Union of Students clearly have no clue how the UK’s political system works. They’d have more of a case in a country with Proportional Representation, where coalitions are the norm, not the exception. The UK, however, doesn’t have a PR-based system.

    That the coalition has lasted a full parliamentary term is, frankly, impressive in its own right. Clegg might have a face even his own mother would never tire of punching, but his party _has_ succeeded in keeping the Tories and Labour desire for ever more snooping and invasion of privacy under control. That’s a damned sight more important than whether university students have to pay fees. For that alone, he deserves a little respect. (But not too much. He’s still a politician.)

    • Too many words:-

      The National Union of Students clearly have no clue

      There! Fixed it for you.

  2. Whatever else Clegg may be, he will always have my respect for being prepared to go face to face against Farage, knowing full well he’d get his arse kicked, and repeat it.

    Plucky little bugger, got more guts than that shyster Cameron.

    As for the students and any other permanently wingeing groups, it really doesn’t matter which of the three cheeks of the same arse (thanks George) they vote for, there’s not a fag paper between them, and whichever of the two donkeys gets the keys to number 10 won’t make a scrap of difference to the future of this country, it’s going round the U bend to an overpopulated hell.

  3. The trouble with students is that they know sod all about real life because they’ve never experienced it. IMHO people in full time education should not be able to vote.

    And they want to give the vote to 16 years school kids FFS! Those buggers would all vote Green and then we’d really be fucked…

    • …but then so would they, and there would be a mass awakening* caused by reality slamming into many clueless faces.

      *one would hope.

    • “…people in full time education should not be able to vote…”

      If that also includes the so-called ‘educators’, I’ll go along with it.

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