1. That must have been hard and heart searching. But to be able to change your viewpoint because of considered and cogent argument, which persuades, but does not coerce, is to your credit, sir.

  2. I saw Theresa May posturing on TV this morning. It was not clever of her to come out parading that particularly nasty piece of legislation before the results were even counted.

    But a few hours later I realised that although May acts like she’s got balls, she will still be lucky to get this pernicious legislation through what is a chamber with a very small majority.

    Her problem… is many of her own backbenchers won’t support it. I see David Davies was re-elected last night, and many backbenchers will join his stand on this issue.

    • “…I see David Davies was re-elected last night…”

      And it’s still a crying shame he wasn’t elected leader of the Conservative party in 2005. We might still have a Conservative party worthy of the name, and local party workers might still count for something.

  3. There’s always the hope that “The Lords” will throw out May’s nastier pieces of authoritarianism

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