Jolly Good.

Bring it on.

Labour faces 20 years out of power if it moves further towards the “leftist platform” of the 1980s, Tony Blair as warned as he mounted a bitter attack on the hard-left leadership candidate Jeremy Corbyn.

So all those of us who have come to despise this thoroughly nasty, vicious party can do is cheer him on from the sidelines. Much as I dislike Cameron, he is preferable to this shower of shits. So a massive implosion is no bad thing.

These twats just don’t get it. The SJWs are so far up their own arses they don’t recognise what many of us learned the hard way back in the eighties. Britain does not like hard left politics. The electorate did not reject them because they were not left-wing enough, despite what the morons over at the Groan might say.

Still, if it means decades in the wilderness, go for it.


  1. Have you paid your £3 so you can vote for Jeremy? 🙂

    I must admit I was tempted, but I retain a smidgeon of old, traditional British values and I decided it just wasn’t cricket.

  2. Love the way McCluskey’s goons are getting 70,000 ‘associate members’ to flood the ballot.

    Corbyn should walk it if that’s the case. Should finish Labour off for good with a bit of luck…

  3. As the party who brought in the unjust, unwarranted and spiteful smoking ban, 20 years out of power is too short for my liking. I’d prefer 50 …

  4. He’ll be fine. The faithful in the People’s Republic of South Yorkshire will be queueing up to vote for him.

  5. At least with Corbyn at the helm they would stand for something albeit unelectable.
    The state of the game for the last couple of decades has been to get elected on any policy, just get power and office.
    Who can bribe the most minority factions, who can promise the most, all with borrowed money. What’s the latest figure on public debt £64k for every man woman and child in the country. Just like the eu they’re using our money, and to hell with the consequences, to empower themselves.

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