Every Man Should Wear a Tie?

Don’t be silly.


Zuckerberg is not the only prominent 21st Century tech high-flyer to say goodbye to the tie – just think of former Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who preferred a dark turtle neck over anything that could be secured with a tie. In fact, the elite of Silicon Valley have quietly started a workplace revolution, bringing about a social kink whereby, as a study published a little under two years ago in The Journal of Consumer Research put it, “wealthy people sometimes dress very badly to demonstrate superiority.”

“We proposed that, under certain conditions, nonconforming behaviours can be more beneficial to someone than simply trying to fit in,” wrote study author and Columbia Business School professor Silvia Bellezza. “In other words, when it looks deliberate, a person can appear to have a higher status and sense of competency.”

Which is why, when everyone else goes open-necked, I’ll put on a tie.

Think about it…


  1. Absolutely!

    There is a “dress down” friday where I am and I always make a point of wearing a shirt and tie (I do every day). I don’t – apart perhaps from weddings or funerals – ever wear one outside work which is precisely the point.

    • I once worked in a place that tried dress down Friday for charity. You paid £1 for the privilege of dressing down. If you decided not to, you paid £2. You can imagine how that went down with me…

  2. Never wanted to fit in, not going to start now, don’t give a bugger what anyone else thinks i still like a proper Harris tweed jacket with country check shirts, brown brogue boots, tie optional.
    No one else at work has the same as either of our three cars either.

    Clone free zone.

  3. I wear a three-piece suit – willingly – from September to May. In summer I may drop the waistcoat if the temperature exceeds 25C outside. I wear a tie all the time at work – but like others above do not do so in my own time. It is a psychological thing – even if I am “working from home” I will put on a suit and tie – because I am mentally at work, if not physically. Looking around me this morning I can see half a dozen male employees none of whom wear a tie. Admittedly they are younger, but we all do the same job for the client. I have been here over a year, they come and go. The (permanent) client is happy for me to represent them at internal meetings with the client’s peer-group. Read into that what you will.

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