Democracy in Action

Much like Ukip in the UK, the Front National failed to make its anticipated breakthrough. There is, though, a twist in the tail:

The ruling Socialists committed electoral hari-kiri in two big regions, in the north and east, in a tactical move to keep out the Front National. By withdrawing all their candidates, they permitted left-wing voters to switch to the centre-right and “bar” the far right.

So… Those naughty voters just couldn’t be trusted to come up with the “right” verdict, so the playing field was tilted to, er “encourage” them… Nice bit of democracy, that. The establishment colluded to cheat the electorate. The rest of it was fairly straightforward tactical voting.

And, a point of order here, Le Pen’s party is a collectivist one, so not actually right-wing at all. Much like  the BNP is not right-wing either  and Ukip appeals as much to blue-collar working class Labour voters as  it does to disaffected Tories. The terms left and right are meaningless. However, the attempts by the left to paint themselves as “nice” and the Tories, for example as “nasty” belies the fact that they are all as bad as each other. Nasty totalitarian thugs. And it isn’t the blue-rinse Tories you see out on the streets wrecking the joint when  their candidate loses an election…


  1. “left and right” have ceased to have any meaning. The real battle is between authoritatianism and libertarianism.

    • Correct. Our rulers are ALL authoritarian, ’tis only we plebs who have the temerity to question them, and hold libertarian views.

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