Hysterical Bullshit

Martin Kettle jumps the shark.

Apparently, Brexit is all some conspiracy by the right-wing press, ‘cos only the right-wing press attempts to influence votes…

Yet if Cameron is forced to resign as prime minister after losing the EU referendum a week from now, the two men may have something rather more specific in common. In that event, Cameron could become the first British prime minister since MacDonald, more than 90 years ago, to be brought down by the British press and, more specifically, to be ousted by the Daily Mail.

Oh, really? What utter nonsense. This risible piece of pure juvenile idiocy is supposed to pass as journalism… If Cameron loses his job as PM, it will be entirely his own doing. To claim that Brexit is caused by the Daily Mail and that we are too weak-minded to resist its urges is deeply misanthropic, insulting and stupid beyond belief. I  am not voting to leave because of the Daily Mail, I am voting to leave because I wish to remove Brussels from our lawmaking process. That’s it. Fuck all to do with the press.

No newspaper in this country’s history has more consistently, and at times more rabidly, pursued political objectives than the Mail

Well, apart from the Guardian, of course. That pursues a vile, authoritarian, fascist agenda, doesn’t it, you fuckwit?

…from war with Germany in the early 20th century, to the promotion of Hitler, Mussolini and British fascism in the interwar period, to the drive to get Britain out of the EU in our own lifetimes – along with the defeat of Labour at all times, by fair means or foul.

Godwin. And, yes some barrel-scraping in trying to liken Brexit with the Nazis by association. What a vile creep this nasty little cunt is.

Yeah, we know about the Mail and it’s approval of the Nazis – in the nineteen fucking thirties.  That was seventy-odd years ago. It’s old news. Get the fuck over it already. The Guardian is peddling anti-liberty poison today. Here and now.


Remain or leave? Politics or the press? The question on Thursday, just as Humpty Dumpty said, is which is to be master.

False dichotomy, you moron.  So that’ll be a “leave,” then.


  1. “Politics or the press?”

    Don’t think the press have started wars, committed genocide, forced people into slavery, and so on.

    Although The Guardian has covered for plenty of regimes which have done so…

    • Indeed. An apologist for evil if ever there was. The last thing the Guardian and its hacks should be doing is finger-pointing at the Mail.

  2. I think that the proposed rules about kettles sum up the EU fairly accurately. People that I didn’t vote for, and can’t vote to have removed from their posts, want to restrict my choices when I want to buy a kettle. This is for my own good of course, I need to be curtailed in my kettle buying choices in order to help to save the planet. So, I must buy a kettle that uses half as much electricity for twice as long. My life decisions are being made for me by people who are too stupid to know that the amount of energy needed to raise a given amount of water from room temperature to boiling point is exactly the same whether your kettle does it quickly or slowly. Basic schoolboy physics.

    • I think the kettle scenario is about are failing electricity supply infrastructure
      if 10million households put the kettle on at half time thats 30 million kws
      reduce the power of a kettle then its a 15 million kws spike

  3. Some people (often journalists) still have a hugely exaggerated view of the power of the press. Newspaper circulations have dramatically declined, and most voters probably never read a print newspaper or look at a newspaper website from one week to the next.

  4. Neither the Mail or the Guardian has influenced my decision to vote out. That was made years ago and now, at long last, I have the opportunity to do so.

    • I made my decision following the last referendum and nothing in the forty-one years since has changed my opinion. So no, not the Daily Mail. What has reaffirmed it is the authoritarian, anti-democratic nature of the EU.

  5. The “Manchester Guardian”, as it then was, was pro Soviet in the 1930s – at a time when the regime had already carried out a huge amount of mass murder and repression. Rothemere’s “Daily Mail” was being somewhat favourable to the Nazi regime at a period in the 1930s when Hitler had nothing like the blood drenched record of the regime supported by the “Guardian” (Mussolini’s 30’s Italy was the least repressive of the major dictatorships).

    It should also be said that a lot of leftist opinion at this time was often keen on replacing the pluralist democratic system of the west with Soviet socialism as seen under Stalin. Later, many of these types worshipped the industrial scale murderer, Mao.

    Dalton Trumbo is a good example of a man turned into a “progressive” hero/martyr, who was a political scoundrel; a dedicated, clear eyed, ally to one of history’s greatest mass killers; a Stalinist, who the truth all along about Stalin’s murderous regime, but wanted to transplant its system to the rest of the world. Trumbo the Stalinist CPUSA member (the party was directly controlled by the Soviet Union) is skirted over in the recent, typically biased, Hollywood hagiography – which saves its attacks for those who exposed the hypocritical communist creep.

    • Then there is Hobsbawn and Miliband who were open about their desire to inflict this evil upon us, and the piles of dead bodies were a price worth paying. May they rot in hell.

  6. I just hope that people vote on the 23rd, whichever choice they’ve made, and that they don’t let the murder of this MP sway them one way or the other.

    It’s too important for that.

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