Some Friend

An apparent “friend” of Nigel Farage has crawled out of the woodwork to engage in some mud-slinging.

Nigel Farage was proud at the height of Britain’s far right movement that his initials NF also stood for National Front, according to a close school friend who after years of silence says he now wants the public to understand more about the man.

He also claims the teenage Mr Farage sang “gas ‘em all, gas ‘em all”, a neo-Nazi song about Jewish people.

Oh, dear, sounds terrible, however, when was this?

The former friend attended fee-paying Dulwich College in south London with the ex-Ukip leader in the late Seventies and early Eighties and says he has kept quiet about his memories until now, in part out of a sense of loyalty.

Ah. So, forty years ago, when he was a teenager.  And, of course, none of us has ever done or said foolish things as a teenager, and none of us has ever matured since those heady days of youth? This is barrel scraping with a surform, a crude attempt at character assassination. No one with the remotest semblance of intelligence will give it a second thought. Well, the socialists will, for they need straws to clutch at. The media will, for they, too, will reach for any slight whiff of scandal, despite it being pretty desperate stuff by someone who says rather more about himself than he does about his target.

The reality is; middle-aged man said silly things as a teenager forty years ago. Nothing to see here, move along…

His former friend initially planned to identify himself, but after the killing of MP Jo Cox in June he claims he is fearful of potential repercussions from fanatics.

Yeah, right. Happy to sling mud, but too cowardly to let us see who he is and draw our own conclusions; and bringing Jo Cox into it is pretty fucking low. Again, this says much about Farage’s accuser. Some fucking friend.


  1. The establishment in the so-called ‘democratic’ west has shown that there are no depths we will not plumb. Banning Russian cripples from the Olympics is about as fucking disgusting as it comes.

  2. Yeah, yeah. Whatever. I’m not convinced that this story isn’t essentially a made-up one by the paper themselves. I strongly suspect that it’s a little snippet gleaned by the left-leaning Indy in the run-up to the referendum as part of a hopeful attempt at a “major smear campaign” against Farage which didn’t actually get anywhere, but which has now been hauled off the back burner, massaged and tarted-up a bit, and shoved into the paper because it’s Silly Season and they needed something to fill a bit of page space.

    The fact that this person has “out of fear for their lives” not been named supports this view. (Really? Who in their right mind is going to seek out and attack some nonentity from nowhereville who has said some nasty things from a long time ago about a now-retired politician? Honestly?). I think it’s more likely that they haven’t named their “source” because whatever that “source” said to them bears little to no resemblance to what they’ve actually written! And why now, after (a) Farage has withdrawn from politics; (b) UKIP themselves are in a state of flux in the wake of his departure and, it has to be said, in the wake of the unanticipated successful Leave vote in the Referendum; and (c) the referendum has taken place with the Leave side winning? Surely, if this person had any genuine concerns about Farage’s teenage political views, the time to “speak out” about them was in the run-up to the referendum, not almost two months after it!

    It’s a desperate story by a desperate paper which is desperate for some news. You can probably believe about one sentence in every ten – the rest, I’ll wager, is the product of the feverish imagination of some backroom hack under pressure from his editor to make something out of nothing in order to fill up the seasonal August white space!

  3. Of course, apart from youthful indiscretions we have to take into account that ‘old friend’s’ memories are subject to vagaries and context. Luckily, in any civilised country, this sort of stuff would count for nought in a court of the land. To condemn a man we need a pesky and inconvenient thingy called evidence- ain’t dat the rub.

  4. I was reminded, reading this news story, of the Ken Wharfe character assassination piece the ‘Mail’ ran with yesterday.

    It tells me much, much more about the character of the person writing it than it does about the erstwhile subject!

    • Yes, it does. All I see here (assuming Jax’s suggestion above is inaccurate) is someone who has spent a lifetime nurturing resentment against the kid at school who was brighter, more articulate and more popular and ultimately more successful. Those grapes are so sour, all they are good for is vinegar.

  5. Well, Nige has retired from politics, so all the mud slinging can’t really hurt him. But regardless of whether the allegations are true or not, this is not the action of any kind of friend.

  6. Knowledge of Farage’s neo Nazi sympathies are nothing new and it did not need a “friend” to disclose them. A few years ago Farage’s school report – he was at Dulwich – was leaked. As a 17 year old he was a full bore anti Semite and neo Nazi. Even his masters commented on it. So he was a kid at the time, you say. Well Ed Miliband’s father was 17 when his far left sympathies were published by the Daily Mail to shit stir. The modern right can hardly complain when it receives the same treatment it gives its political enemies. In short, physician heal thyself.

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