I Think I’ll Cope

An hour without ITV?

ITV is switching off all seven of its channels for an hour to encourage people to get off their sofas and take part in sport following Team GB’s Olympics success.

ITV will stop broadcasting from 09:30 on 27 August as part of the I Am Team GB campaign.

Oh, FFS! Few things are as puerile as bandwagon jumping and that is what this is. A number of things… Firstly, I avoid anything such as this out of principle, precisely because it is tedious bandwagon jumping. I have managed to avoid the Olympics, why would I want to indulge in sport following some success or other?

Then there’s the little matter of watching live television. I don’t, so won’t notice anyway.  So, er, fuck the I Am Team GB campaign. I am not and never will be.

Will these arseholes ever stop trying to ram sport down my throat?


  1. What a disaster! I will only have (estimate/guess) 500 channels full of crap instead of the usual (estimate/guess) 507 channels of crap. I suppose I’ll have to read the internet or a book (as I usually do on a dark evening, what with TV being mostly crap).

  2. I hope they introduce the scheme in New Zealand as the tele here is well shit. Although, to be honest, I don’t turn the bugger on anyway.

  3. I watch the telly so rarely that they could turn all of the channels off for weeks and I wouldn’t notice. Also, as Woodsy says above, people aren’t going to go anywhere, they are just going to watch something else.

  4. A further thought. This is obviously a pointless token gesture. We know this because if ITV were actually successful in getting people out of the house and doing something other than watching TV, then they would be spectacularly shooting themselves in the foot. Advertisers aren’t going to spend money with them if nobody’s watching. The reason that I don’t watch TV is because I am always out doing stuff, if everyone becomes like me ITV will be out of business.

  5. Not being in hospital, or a care home, or a Government employee I seldom watch TV at half nine in the morning: you’re probably the same.

  6. I watched Kate Humble’s puppies last week and they were maximum aw shucks. But they might have been on the BBC so it probably isn’t relevant.

    Other than that, can’t think what I might otherwise do with an hour in the morning when ITV channels are not on. I’ll probably have to stare in to space.

  7. I only have the Greek terrestrial channels (which are godawful and I never, ever watch), and I only have those by accident because I use a smart TV as my monitor. If I want to watch anything on UK TV (‘anything’ being F1), I have to hook up my VPN and stream it. So I’m in the happy position of only ever watching movies or series (I’m part way through the David Suchet ‘Poirot’ series at the mo) that I’ve chosen to download.

    So I read in the MSM about the latest terribly offensive remark in ‘Big Brother’ or whatever secure in the knowledge that, never having watched it, I haven’t a clue what they’re talking about.

    Sometimes, ignorance really is bliss.

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