Hyperbole, Much?

Nick Cohen in the Grauniad.

Godwin’s Law does not apply in dangerous times. If you want to hear echoes of today’s threats against liberal democracy, turn to Nazi Germany. It denounced everyone, from Germans who sympathised with Jews to the “clique of criminals” in the army who failed to assassinate Hitler, as Volksverräter. In the Soviet Union, from Lenin via Stalin to the fall of communism, the same sentiment found a different expression. The millions who failed to please the glorious socialist motherland were vrag naroda, who deserved exile and death in Siberia for the sabotaging the workers’ paradise.

I’d say Godwin’s Law applies perfectly here. What this numpty is complaining about is a few OTT newspaper headlines reacting to the recent Brexit court case. This is freedom of speech. People were unhappy at the judgement. Actually, the judgement itself was fine – parliament is sovereign. Where the remainers are wrong is that parliament has already had a say – it approved the referendum act. That was its time to decide. Now, having passed the final decision onto the demos, its duty is to abide by that decision.

So I’m not calling for the heads of the judges on this one and I am not over concerned by the judgement and I did find the headlines a bit, well, childish, frankly. But dangerous times? Nazi Germany? Oh, please, fuck off already…

For this assertion of a fundamental conservative principle, the Mail said the judges were the enemies of the people, the Telegraph said they were frustrating the will of the people and the Sun said they were a “loaded foreign elite” defying the will of “Brit voters”.

It was hyperbole, Nick, much like your foolish response.


  1. At the risk of stirring controversy, how many people actually – really – give a toss about what happened in Nazi Germany 80 years ago. Hardly anyone left alive today was old enough to have lived through it at the time. It has now passed into the realms of history books, albeit was a particulary dark chapter.

    Since WW2 we have seen many cases of genocide all around the world. In Cambodia, Uganda, Sudan, Rwanda. None of those appear to be deified with the same zeal, even though over a million Rwandans were murdered by hand in less than three months barely 20 years ago.

    I am not denying the Holocaust or it’s significance, but I am also tired of listening to the same old pro-Israel voices trotting it out time and time again as an “untouchable” defence shield for any criticism of Israeli or pro-Jewish politics.

    • It serves a purpose, Hitler, the ‘National Socialist’, the hater of capitalism, the fascist is labelled as ‘far-right’.
      Anyone who disagrees with Corbyn, The Guardian or the BBC is far-right and by implication a fascist and a Jew-killer. No debate needed, it’s a given truth.

    • More frequently, it is invoked by the ignorant. Lily Allen, for example trying to liken the French handling of the Calais migrants with the holocaust. Utterly idiotic.

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