
Heads popping at the Guardian.

The unthinkable is only unthinkable until it happens. Then, like the sacking of Rome, it can seem historically inevitable. So it is with the global political earthquake that is the election of Donald Trump as the next president of the United States. If he is true to his campaign pledges, which were many and reckless, Mr Trump’s win will herald America’s most stunning reversal of political and economic orthodoxy since the New Deal in the 1930s, but with the reverse effect. It halts the ailing progressive narrative about modern America and the 21st-century world in its tracks. It signals a seismic rupture in the American-dominated global liberal economic and political order that had seemed to command the 21st century after communism collapsed and China’s economy soared.

The end of the world is nigh! Run for the hills! The reality is that not a huge amount will change. Much like the Obama hopey changey bollocks. Once they get into the Oval Office, reality sets in and they become the establishment. In the meantime the screeching, panicky rhetoric from the progressives become ever more cataclysmic. They just don’t get it. An awful lot of peopel see them for the vile charlatans that they are. Trump may be an arse, but he is an arse who has upset the political elite and that makes him one of the good guys, so they voted for him in their droves. No, it isn’t white supremacy, no, it isn’t the second coming of Hitler and no it isn’t the portent of world war III. If the progressives hadn’t spent decades trying to guilt trip white people – males in particular – demonising them to the point where eventually, en masse, they said “fuck you!” in big bold letters.

Today is a bad day to be a progressive. Today is a good day for everyone else. Me? I’m sitting on the sidelines and ordering in more popcorn. Those exploding heads are a damned sight more entertaining than any firework display.


  1. I totally agree – but must add that I’m pissed off with the way these idiots have hijacked the word “progressive”. There’s f. all that’s actually progressive in their loony megalomanic ideas.

    It’s the introduction of “Newspeak”.

    • Agreed, but then they’ve hijacked every other word too. They operate through a sort of moral telescope, they see ‘hate speech’ writ large in everything their opponents say yet fail to notice that hatred drives everything that they say.

  2. It is a bit of a bugger this democracy isn’t it. Those Americans could learn something from us Europeans, we have our president appointed by people who know what is best for us. Much safer I’m sure that everyone agrees. What’s that? 52% don’t agree? Oh well, at least if you get to choose your government you hopefully get the one that you deserve.

    • I’m sure this morning I heard some EU spokesperson say in one sentence the words “globalist, multilateral government agenda” and that the election result was a ‘setback’.

      Sadly probably only a temporary one.

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