Oh Dear!

How sad. Never mind…

Donald Trump will become the 45th US president after a stunning victory over Democrat Hillary Clinton.

The Republican nominee’s projected victory came down to a handful of key swing states, despite months of polling that favoured Mrs Clinton.

The battlegrounds of Florida, Ohio and North Carolina cleared the way for his Brexit-style upset.

The Americans had a pretty awful decision to make. That said, an outsider has a couple of distinct advantages. Firstly all the right people are hanging their heads in despair and asking themselves what went wrong. Secondly a little disruption is no bad thing. Nothing much will change. After all Obama came to the presidency with all that hopey changey bollocks. What happened to that?

Trump has positioned himself as the anti-establishment candidate, which in itself is amusing. He’s a billionaire businessman – just how much more establishment can you get?

Then there’s the markets doing what they always do – panic. The dollar is plunging. Well, maybe it will join sterling. Don’t these people have spines? Clearly not.

And notice the rhetoric here. Much with our Brexit vote – a “bad” vote (i.e not approved by the lefties) is populism. A “good” vote (i.e approved by the lefties) is a democratic mandate. So, we are back to the usual suspects – the self-righteous leftists – hanging their heads in their hands wondering where it all went wrong. Now, ain’t that sweet?


  1. I liked one of the commenters on ISAC who said the Americans are standing up to their necks in shit and the only choice they have is between whether it’s dog shit and cat shit. Says it all really.

    Mind you, 6 months ago I put £50 on Trump at 100/1 so I’m quite happy about the result. Let’s hope I live long enough to enjoy it before having my atoms blasted into radioactive dust…

  2. It’s so sweet the WHO would ban it if they could. It’s safe to assume anyone using “populist” in a derogatory fashion is unfit for public office.

  3. Most overs in the markets and currencies are opportunistic. The big traders will be making billions. It will all settle down again shortly. FTSE 100 dropped 5% before fully recovering this morning. Sell high, buy low and pocket the difference.

  4. How I laughed. I put a decent wager on Trump winning. I will collect my wad tomorrow. It was also mildly amusing watching all the little lefty student snowflakes, crying and protesting against democracy. It was so like after our referendum. I was laughing then too as I voted leave.

    • Snowflakes only believe in democracy when it endorses their line of thinking:- if we dare to think otherwise, idiots like Church & Allen lecture us on how we can’t be trusted to decide and the result MUST be null & void.

      I’m with Bill: large portions of schadenfreude all round.

  5. You’d have to have a heart of stone not to laugh. What I can’t get my head around is all these so called “educated” types who think that abusing and generally insulting one’s electorate is the right way to get the result you want. Did nobody teach these muppets basic human psychology.

    Quick tip for Donald – Avoid grassy knolls!

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