

Sacré bleu!

National Front leader Marine Le Pen has taken a commanding lead in the latest French presidential election poll.

The far-right leader had 29 per cent of the vote, eight points ahead of Les Républicains’ Nicolas Sarkozy, and a 15-point lead over the Parti de Gauche’s Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the poll released by Ipsos.

The results are likely to add to growing fears that the rise of global populism could see Ms Le Pen on course to clinch the French presidential win, in the wake of the UK’s Brexit vote and Donald Trump’s victory in the US election.

This could run and run. That popcorn mountain is going to be diminishing by the day. Note the use of “populism” here. When the left is losing, the popular vote is populism. When the left are winning, it’s democracy. Those anthills are getting a good kicking of late. If Le Pen wins in France, Frexit will be high on the agenda and the EU project will collapse shortly afterwards. There are similar echoes in Germany and Italy, as well as the Netherlands. The ordinary voter has had enough and is finally saying so. Of course, in saying so, they are now the “far right” and the outcomes of elections are “wrong“. In reality, they are voting for nation states that determine their own identity, culture and legal system; which is perfectly fine as that is how democracy should work – the demos speak and what they say goes. It is not an extreme position to take and it’s time we really started pointing this out. And, no, Le Pen is not a fascist, for she is not a dictator, nor has she banned, nor tried to ban opposing views.

Meanwhile, sit back, watch the show and enjoy the explosions as the talking-heads at the BBC, Guardian et al all try to understand what ordinary people could explain to them if they could only listen…


  1. The BBC and the Guardian aren’t there to listen, their function is to teach you to be better; less racist, less homophobic, less Islamophobic, less misogynistic. More PC in other words.

    Listen! What strange ideas you have.

  2. I never thought i would live long enough to see this happening, and i’m firmly of the opinion that a free internet and alternative news has allowed us, those who think freely as individuals (heresy at al-beeb or grauniad headquarters), to find that far from being alone with no one to represent us we were after all that has been propagandised the silent majority…who invariably were too bloody busy working and providing for our families to have time for politics as such.

    Mind you its only been of late that anyone who wasn’t an arse hole had the chance of being elected.

    If they get the chance they’ll censor the internet, put nothing past them, they would love to turn the clock back so all we had was their version and nothing else, as it was for so many years of our slide to where we are now.
    No small measure of thanks is due to the many bloggers out there too, well done all of you for helping keep so many of us from surrendering fully to despair when that arse hole Blair and the disciples were flavour of the decade and did their worst, swiftly followed by that wet weekend Cameron, another waste of space, thankkully gone off with his traitorous forked tail between his ratty legs..
    If the blogs hadn’t given somewhere for us to vent our spleens at the utter lunacy of what was happening who knows where we might have ended up, Thankyou.

    • If the blogs hadn’t given somewhere for us to vent our spleens at the utter lunacy of what was happening who knows where we might have ended up, Thankyou.

      Here, here!

  3. Can anyone explain to me what polices Mme Le Pen espouses that are in any way, shape or form “far right”? I have her marked down as a national socialist (and I immediately stress that I am not linking her with Hitler’s bunch) as – I thought – she seeks a socialist France free of external control (i.e. nationalist).

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