Betteridge of the Day


Andy Burnham is giving part of his salary away. Should we all follow suit?

Altogether, now…

While the state steals over 50% of my income in various taxes, I’ll not be giving anyone anything. I’ve already given. It seems, that others think likewise given that the article is bemoaning the decline in charitable giving.

Clement Attlee, the architect of the welfare state, said: “Charity is a cold grey loveless thing. If a rich man wants to help the poor, he should pay his taxes gladly, not dole out money at a whim,”

Which is why I and others are no longer divvying up voluntary donations. This is what happens when charities become a de facto arm of the state.

Suck it up. Blame Clement Attlee. But don’t berate me for not giving, for you will get no mileage from me.


  1. The only charity I give to, really is a charity, not some government creation. Its the RNLI.

    • @rapscallion


      RNLI & PDSA are the two genuine charities I donate to.

      Accepting Gov’t “gifts” makes one beholden to Gov’t

  2. And how much, exactly, does Mr Burnham earn? £15,000 pa? £20,000? I think not.

    When you earn more than you need, it’s very easy to be generous and do the mandatory virtue signalling.

    However, when the mortgage swallows most of what the government graciously allows you to keep out of your earnings, charity begins at home.

    • I suggest that what Mr Burnham earns is somewhat less than £15,000 p.a.

      What he is paid is an entirely different matter.

  3. Clement Attlee, the architect of the welfare state, said: “Charity is a cold grey loveless thing. If a rich man wants to help the poor, he should pay his taxes gladly, not dole out money at a whim,”

    Better it be doled out at Atlee’s whim. Arrogant. Conceited.

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