I’m an Actoooor, You Know

So, of course, when he is using his own words, rather than those written for him, we are supposed to take notice.

The diminutive actor has backed Mr Corbyn before, telling an interviewer that  ‘I think he [Mr Corbyn] would make a great PM’.

Quite apart from the sheer hypocrisy, quite apart from the fact that this is fuck all to do with him, his judgement is somewhat suspect. Corbyn has proved time and time again, that he couldn’t run a whelk stall, let alone a political party. So how the flying fuck he would manage a country and its economy, I don’t know. I do know that I wouldn’t want to live in the socialist hell-hole he and his Marxist chums would impose upon us. Corbyn would make a disastrous PM.

Theresa May leaves much to be desired. Her record on civil liberties is not one that fills me with confidence. However, comrade Corbyn makes her look efficient, competent and capable. Fuck me, but the world is going to the dogs.

And De Vito? Go fuck yourself.


  1. BTW, appropos of nothing. DeVito is Schwargenegger’s (I don’t really care if I spelled that right) business partner in real estate and movies (Planet Hollywood, etc).
    A not nearly silent enough partner.

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