Hysterical, Much?

Paddy Pantsdown thinks we are experiencing something just like Germany in the 1930s.

Paddy Ashdown has said he sees horrifying parallels between 1930s Germany and what is happening in the post-referendum UK.

Because we have government sponsored thugs smashing up ethnic minority shops, people being hounded out of the country with badges on their clothes to let us know what they are, because we are denying ethnic minorities jobs and homes, because the state is seizing their assets and rounding them up with a view to a final solution. Concentration camps and gas chambers are just around the corner. Yes, it’s just like Nazi Germany in the 1930s.

What a fucking idiot!

“My next book is about the German resistance to Hitler, so I’m knee-deep into research of the 1930s and I am horrified by the parallels. I’m horrified,” he said.

Ah, right, he’s got a book to sell.


  1. What is even more offensive than Pantsdown’s alignment of the Tory Government with 1930’s Nazi is the fact that he is using it to promote a fucking book.

    This man is utterly a shit of the first degree and a disgrace to this country.

    • He is a former Royal Marine and SBS officer. Credit should be given to him for just that alone. His political views in no way cancel that out I’m afraid and although I don’t agree with the hyperbole that he has used, perhaps his opinions have been coloured by what he has seen on social media since the Manchester bombing. It has brought out every bile spewing, hate driven, inbred mouth breathers you can imagine. Including the vile Katie Hopkins using phrases like “final solution”. Fortunately I recognise that those people are a minority, but it’s worrying that they are even there in this day and age.

      • He is a former Royal Marine and SBS officer.

        I’m aware of his past and that is why he should damned well know better than spout such utter bullshit. There is no comparison with the present day UK and Nazi Germany. None whatsoever. A few vile loudmouths are not Brownshirts and state sponsored genocide.

        • You actually beat me to that comment. The fact that Ashdown had a distinguished service history, followed by a career in politics and was closely involved in brokering peace in the former Yugoslavia makes his words even more shameful.

          And to use it in the context of plugging his book just seals it for me. I can’t forgive that.

  2. ““My next book is about the German resistance to Hitler, so I’m knee-deep into research of the 1930s and I am horrified by the parallels. I’m horrified,” he said.”

    Good. When he finishes he might have gained some dim sense of perspective…

    • Indeed. When Theresa May’s Brownshirts are smashing up Muslim shops and we are busy rounding them up and packing them off to concentration camps, forcing them all to wear crescents on their clothing and disallowing them from working, seizing all their assets and making them homeless, he might have a point about parallels. Boris’ bus poster is not a parallel – not in this universe, anyway.

  3. I must have missed the part where we in the UK started a war in 1992, lost in 1996 and had lots of onerous conditions imposed on us as a result. I just didn’t notice the resultant economic hardship causing seething resentment that was easily channeled against some convenient scapegoats who were doing nobody any harm.

  4. I have however noticed a German chancellor making rousing speeches in a Munich beerhall and talking about standing up for German interests while following policies aimed at bullying, impoverishing and controlling the rest of Europe.

    I wonder if she’s building pocket battleships without telling anybody?

    Pantsdown is a dick. He may have been a fine soldier once, but he’s now a politician, failed, and an utter dick.

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