
That was a fuckup.

Worryingly, there were plenty of people who actually thought that Jeremy Corbyn would make a credible Prime Minister. This, despite his economic vision having been tried and left us going cap in hand to the IMF for a bailout and the little fact that he brown nosed every vile enemy of the British people he possibly could. The man is pure evil.

We are going to Hell in a hand-basket…

So, what bets should we be placing on a new Conservative leader and who will it be?

Oh, and can we expect Wee Willie Krankie to shut the fuck up about Indyref2 now?


  1. It is possible that a lot of people voted for Corbyn to punish May for her arrogant over confidence. I think that they might have done so thinking that there was no possible way that he was actually going to get elected. That he came so close to gaining power is pretty terrifying. But maybe the electorate need a taste of socialism every forty years or so to remind them what it is like.

  2. Vast numbers of younger voters have never lived through the economic devastation of a hard left government. It’s not surprising they would be seduced by the prizes and gifts for all (and some popular measures) of the Labour manifesto, they simply don’t realise how much they would have to pay for them all.
    And of course May didn’t deserve to win after the way she completely mismanaged the Tory manifesto and campaign and pissed off almost every supportive group of voters. She thoroughly deserved a kicking. The worry is if she can manage to lose a dead cert election by such abysmal judgement is she capable of managing Brexit?

  3. Living in a house with two female Labour enthusiasts is ‘kinawful. They are exulting over the way May screwed it all up, praising the sainted Jeremy — without any idea of what a sad sack the man is, or rather dismissing his pro-terrorist, anti-British stance as unimportant — and the youngest female of the pair moaning about how Labour ended up just a little short of a total majority. ‘Snot fair! Got to change!

    Politics is essentially tedious and full of hot air. but am getting it all full time right now.

    Not looking forward to the next election when they can moan and exult some more, but it might just grow quiet in between.

  4. I cannot believe that 40% of the British people can have such a lack of moral compass that they can vote for a terrorist sympathiser and his vile hangers on. Fuck ’em all.

    • You’re forgetting the hordes invited in by Blair & Brown to rub our noses in diversity. Hundreds of thousands of them, and there are those who maintain that their numbers contain many terrorist sympathisers. Indeed, I have heard it said that some of those may well be actual terrorists. But they all vote Labour, so that’s alright then.

  5. @LR “So, what bets should we be placing on a new Conservative leader and who will it be?”

    Boris as PM, Davis Davis stays as Brexit Secretary & is deputy PM, Liam Fox as Home Secretary, M Gove as Chancellor, Johhny Mercer as War Department Secretary, Redwood as Foreign Secratary; Dept Industry/Industrial Strategy, DEFRA, DFID, EA, Equalities Commision, CQC, PH England abolished

    @LR “Oh, and can we expect Wee Willie Krankie to shut the fuck up about Indyref2 now?”


    May took Conservatives from a 20 point lead to neck and neck with a worse Labour leader than Foot. She also saw her approval rating plunge from >50% to negative during campaign.

    She & Nick Timothy rewrote the manifesto and forbade Boris, JRM and all others from campaigning – all about her when she is a cold, authoritarian dictator with no personality and nothing to like.

    She now has little credibility and in coalition with DUP whose manifesto is more Tory than her’s:

    Nigel called it last weekend:

    Useless woman promoted way above her abilities.

  6. It’s not all doom and gloom (well, it is, but it’s only temporary, although admittedly the timing is atrocious with Brexit negotiations looming in just a few short days). Corbyn’s “successes” came largely thanks to the yoof vote, who had had their fingers badly burned when they couldn’t be a*sed to get out of bed to vote in the Referendum, and were then horrified when the vote went the way of the oldies who had bothered to make effort. They were keen not to make the same mistake and I think that some of them (erroneously – aw, c’mon, they’re only babes) thought that if they could get Labour in then they might somehow get another referendum so that they could stop the Brexit process this time around. I’m sure, too, that there was a high degree of childish foot-stamping misdirected not at themselves for being daft, naïve teenagers, but at the nearest available target, i.e. the Government of the day. How dare they not take any notice of their tantrums!

    But it won’t last. In four years’ time many will have left the cosy, cuddly “safe space” of university and will be out at work, where reality will hit their touchy-feely ideals face-on and most will see the error of their ways, whilst the remainder will have lost interest and will return to their beds and the all-consuming important things in life like whether or not they’ve got the latest Smartphone.

    • Yes, hearing that Cleggy had lost his seat made my day. A few months ago he was on the radio opining that having the referendum was a huge mistake as the plebs shouldn’t be trusted with such important decisions and should allow their betters to decide what’s best for them.

  7. Corbyn sold himself as a wise old owl, always ahead of his time in seeking peaceful solutions to conflict. The reality I believe is that he is an overgrown student revolutionary, full of hatred towards this country, the “bosses class”, the “rich”, and Jews. I don’t think he will be able to keep up the facade indefinitely, especially as his incompetence and outmoded economic thinking becomes apparent.

    • The worry being that he gets his hands on the levers of power before that happens.

      A hung parliament I can live with as it puts the brakes on binge legislation, but the thought of a hard left socialist government is deeply scary.

  8. A lot of young voters voted for the communist party because they had never lived though a country bankruptcy caused by Labour as they always create. They (youngsters) are selfish and believed this bollocks about getting rid of tuition fees. Who will pay for that? Tax payers of course including them. But of course they can’t do arithmetic and cannot think for themselves after 13 years of comprehensive ‘education’ and getting a useless degree from a backstreet poly now called a ‘university’. They are deluded but useful idiots. They won’t learn until they are in their 50s. I think enough is enough, we need a revolution and a ‘strong man’ to sort everything out. I volunteer. First we need a very big wall and a lot of troops with just one bullet in their magazine………….

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