Your Body Belongs To Us

Presumed consent for organ donation raises its ugly head again.

England could introduce the so-called presumed consent system of organ donation in which people have to actively opt out if they do not wish to be donors, Downing Street has said.

Here we go again. In any other circumstances, the government would robustly condemn the principle of opt out – especially when it is evil capitalists doing it. Given that opt out is morally wrong, it remains morally wrong in this context. Presumed consent is not consent at all. The only consent that is morally and ethically acceptable is informed consent. The donation of organs after death is a gift – it is not a right. No one has the right to live. No one has the right to be disease free. The extension of life from donated organs is a gift that should be freely given. Not taken without asking first.

I have no particular objection to my organs being used after my death. I do, however, object in the most vigorous terms possible to the state presuming that they are there for the taking. Given this, if presumed consent is brought in, I will opt out. No one presumes my consent. If you want something that does not belong to you, you fucking well ask politely. Taking is theft. This is immoral, no matter how you dress it up and no matter how you try to justify it by saving lives. Taking without express consent is always morally wrong in all circumstances.

We do not belong to the state. The state has no business presuming that we consent.


  1. Well said. You are right. If the government wants donors it should make motorcycle helmets and seat belts a matter of choice.

      • Agreed but that is the way to boost numbers. You know, I have never agreed with compulsory stuff like this. Mobile phones and driving, drink driving are fine, but belting up and helmets should be a choice as they only affect the rider and driver not others (apart from family et al but that’s always the case).

  2. “We are keeping a close eye on how the changes in Wales and Scotland are affecting donation rates in considering if we would change our policy.”

    Donation implies giving. They should say they are watching how the changes in Wales and Scotland are affecting taking rates.

  3. And of course it’s not like the NHS are going to take the trouble to inform people of thier rights or ask people if they want to drop out, is it?

  4. Well said, this is something I have also said and written ever since the Blair regime tried to bring this in, naturally justifying it by the usual “saving babies lives” and “think of the chiiiiilllllldddddrennnnn”, the statist shit designed to steal our liberties and extricate our property.

    Which brings me on to “Comrade” Jezzbollah Corbyn and his disgusting politicising of the Grenfell Tower tragedy. Once again Hamas’ friend Jezzbollah dips into the evil communist toybox to suggest the “requisition’ (ie. state sanctioned THEFT) of “rich” people’s private homes to give to others. Just as “presumed consent” is nothing but State sanctioned THEFT that nationalises our very bodies turning us into little more than chattels, likewise the principle of “requisitioning” the private property of the “rich”, once established will at a stroke destroy the long established principle of property rights, subject to the capriciousness of the bunch of Marxists, Commies and Trots infesting the public sector.

    Requisitioning private homes and presumed consent are one and the same, the destruction of the last vestiges of our civil liberties and common law rights.

    If presumed consent comes in, I will immediately opt out. Kick me, compel me and I will do the exact opposite. I am not alone, while this constant chipping away at our liberties, privacy, freedoms and identities makes me despise the whole fucking lot of those who are imposing this shit from above.

    I currently support my local (Tory) MP, I am of no party, but if he were to support this, I will pay out for 50,000 leaflets showing people how to OPT OUT of being nationalised.

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