Who Are These People

Pay for EU citizenship?

As many as 58 per cent of people who voted to leave the EU are now willing to pay to keep their European citizenship, a poll has found.

The survey shows a total of 68 per cent of Britons would pay potentially large sums of money to retain the rights enjoyed by EU citizens in addition to their British citizenship.

Fucking Hellski! Who would do that? Seriously?

Of those who voted Leave in June last year but would now be willing to pay for EU citizenship, one in 10 said they would pay more than £1,000 a year to guarantee their rights.

On average, respondents said they would expect to pay £405 per year, which included 32 per cent of people who would not be willing to pay anything.

A grand? Every year? Really? Where do they dig these people up? Jeebus! I fall under the latter category – I wouldn’t be willing to pay anything.

There must be a special pool of cretins who are used to populate these surveys.


  1. Quote
    ”The poll was carried out by LSE’s research initiative for the study of electoral psychology, ECREP, in conjunction with polling firm Opinium.”

    I think that covers the where did they find ’em question.

    Asking the right suspects the right questions will give you the answers you seek.

    I suspect 150% of leavers, in other words 100% of leavers plus probably 50% who voted stay or abstained, would cheerfully tell the EU to stick their premiums for membership of a dying club where the sun don’t shine.

    • The polling so hilariously fails the sense test that one wonders whether these LSE wonks are fit to be teaching our children at all. They are either so politically fanatical or incompetent – they should be ashamed either way

  2. Yeah people say they are prepared to do something until the time comes to dosh up. Called Revealed preferences or some such?

    • Bob Geldof also said he’d happily house Syrian refugees in his Chelsea flats. We are still waiting….

  3. “ECREP is the largest existing research initiative fully dedicated to the study of electoral psychology and electoral ergonomics.”


    “It is funded by the European Research Council.”


    • And the Independant then just prints it all as fact. No wonder that paper has gone down the karsey.

  4. As far as I am concerned I was born British, NOT “European”. Can we assume that those who want dual citizenship also have dual loyalties. Alternatively is this at best supposedly to make holidaying easier or at worst, Quislings in our midst?

    We voted by a 1.7million majority to LEAVE the EU, it’s unelected commission and fake president, not leave the continent of Europe and it’s trade alliances.

    I hope that the morons who are considering this move have considered that the other edge of the sword is being subject to EU legal vagaries, extradition and the vile European Arrest Warrant rather than protected by our FAR superior, English Common Law.

  5. If Brexit fails (God forbid) I would be willing to pay a grand a year NOT to be ruled by the Fourth Reich.

  6. Don’t believe it. Absolute made-up rubbish. Now, maybe if they’d offered an alternative to Brexit of paying NOT to be a member, even if the country stayed in, they might have had some takers!

    • Oops! I meant NOT to be an EU “citizen.” Too late at night for this commenting lark!

  7. Perhaps the mad Professor should have followed up the poll question by asking immediately for a cheque from the respondants to cover thier membership.

    Go on then. £600. Cheques payable to Jean-Claude Juncker. I bet you they don’t. Has anuybody even checked if Prof Bruter is a Monnet professor?

  8. There is no ‘European citizenship’!

    There is no European passport; passports are issued by the Member States of the EU and say, for example, ‘British Citizen’. Nobody has a passport which says, ‘European Citizen’.

    There are ‘EU Nationals, that is citizens whose Nation State is part of the EU.

    Nationals of the EU have certain rights which arise from their Country being part of the EU. If their Country is not part of the EU then they cannot enjoy those rights.

    If UK citizens can pay to have ‘European citizenship’ then there must be a mechanism for this in which case so can Canadians, Chinese, Americans, etc.

    More nonsense from mindless blobs, sadly not in short supply.

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