
I see the offendatrons are out in force and a sacrificial lamb has been slaughtered to appease them.

A Conservative MP has been suspended after it emerged she used a racist expression during a public discussion about Brexit.

The phrase “nigger in the woodpile” is one of those little terms that is a lubricant of language. If you are of a certain age, then you will have heard it used pretty much on a daily basis when growing up. Anne Marie Morris is sixty, so she is of that certain age. It is hard to avoid these lingual lubricants when talking to others. I try very hard to avoid them, preferring not to use clichés wherever possible. It’s bloody hard work, because those phrases are there, lurking in the sub-conscious just waiting to get out. This is what appears to have happened in this case. While speaking, it just slipped out. It could happen to anyone. And, no, it does not make her a racist.

In any sane world, this would have been sorted with a simple, quick apology and that would be that. Oh, no, the offendatrons are not so easily satisfied. They want blood and guts. They want an execution. And Theresa May has given them one. Doubtless, it won’t be enough, but a woman who already has a minority government has just reduced it by one more.

We are all doomed.


  1. Dear Mr Longrider

    How terribly convenient. A few more like this and, well, that nice Mrs May will have lost the election after all, just like she probably wished to do in the first place: damn those Scottish Tories!

    Even if we end up out of the EU, with good ol’ Jeremy going full Venezuela, our next beloved government of whatever hue will be begging to be let back in on any terms.

    It won’t be pretty.


    • Isn’t Anne Marie Morris the one in the position of power here?

      “Dear Mrs. May, unless you apologise to me at the despatch box, using and giving your approval of the NITWP phrase, I will refuse to take the Conservative whip!”

  2. She could, I suppose, have used the phrase ‘Elephant in the room’, but the meaning is not quite the same, and it would probably have exposed her to accusations of ‘Elephantism’.

  3. Those of Afro Caribean descent who are truly offended by this phrase should leave. I suspect that most Afro Caribeans are grown up and not offended. There are however many of any race that chose to be offended, including at least one barister. They should leave.
    Why should it be that those of an afro caribean descent are offended if their skin colour is described by means of a latin derived word rather than one of English origin?

  4. Actually, I’ve never understood what the term “nigger in the woodpile” meant; it doesn’t even make sense when viewed in the cartoon of its origin.

    While I rarely used the word even when it was not deemed un-PC, nowadays, I prefer to use the term “obligatory,” as the likes of the BBC seem to be obligated to include a person of particular ethnicity in everything.

  5. Suspended for a glitch in speech? Until people stand up and say to the perpetually offended; “Okay, it was a bit crass of me, but it just slipped out. I’m Sorry. Now build a frigging bridge and get over it.”

  6. “In any sane world, this would have been sorted with a simple, quick apology and that would be that. “

    In a sane world no-one would have pretended to take offence.

  7. I’m beginning to think that the only way to get rid of this PC cancer is for each and every one of us to just stop being PC: refuse to be thinking twice before we utter anything and refuse to take action against anyone who inadvertently causes ‘offence’ and respond robustly to them.

  8. I’m with DP here.
    Despite their best efforts to lose abysmally the tories managed to score enough votes to cobble a ramshackle agreement with the DUP, that must have come hard, actually meeting some genuine conservatives.

    A few more sacrifices and they can hand the whole bloody lot over to comrade corbyn.

    What gets me is that the electorate still turn out and vote for these traitors and shysters, i couldn’t even be arsed to go up the polling station and draw a cock and balls on the slip.

  9. At best, she’s an idiot who can’t moderate her language to her audience (something you’d think would be a given in her role). It’s a sorry crop of ‘Tories’ entirely, and May withdrawing the whip just makes her look weaker.

    And I didn’t think that was even possible.

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