Fuck Off

However, making changes to cash-in-hand work is a controversial area.

Fuck you and the horse you rode into town on. How we interact with tradesmen is up to us and the tradesman concerned, not you. If that tradesman chooses to conceal some of that income from HMRC, that’s between him and the HMRC – although, frankly, given that tax is merely state sanctioned extortion, I have no moral twinges if they do.

Mr Taylor, who is chief executive of the Royal Society of Arts and a former Tony Blair advisor, is set to call for cash jobs to be paid through platforms such as credit cards, contactless payments and PayPal.

Yeah, ‘cos my window cleaner is going to pay out for the expense of a merchant facility for taking cards when he charges a fiver for cleaning a couple of windows. Get real. He wants cash and I am happy to oblige.

And I just loved this bit:

Mr Taylor, who worked on the review for nine months, is presenting seven recommendations to the government to provide “good quality work”.

And how the flying fuck are they going to do that? I work in the private sector and my income is dependent on what the market will pay for my skills – not enough, frankly, for the bike training, but I accept it. It’s what it is and I enjoy the work. How will the government improve this? Force my clients to pay more? And how will stacking shelves in a supermarket be made any less depressing, mind-numbing and tedious? It’s a means to an income, nothing more and people need to do it. So what is the government supposed to do about it? Employ those shelf-stackers as diversity outreach coordinators on twice the money? And who will pay for that, then? And who will stack the shelves?

Fucking idiots.


  1. “chief executive of the Royal Society of Arts and a former Tony Blair advisor” – wondering if he has ever had a proper job?

    • “Former Tony Blair advisor” alone is enough to convince me that he’s a complete tool. I’m only amazed it took the lame brained scumbag only nine months to write his ‘report’.

      • Well, there was all the ‘fact finding missions’ (first class, of course!) and overnight stays in top hotels to consider. Got to get your* money’s worth!

        *the taxpayer

  2. Far too much criticism here of the very clever and learned Mr. Taylor.

    He is, after all, a first class con-man who makes a very good living from his frauds, much better than you losers I’d wager.

    It is immoral to let a sucker keep his money and the British voter is, on average, a sucker.

  3. Don’t the terms “Tony Blair advisor” and “providing good quality work” come out as an oxymoron. It seems that Mr Taylor is merely a moron.

  4. I needed to have a seriously weakened chimney removed from my house, it was beyond salvation. Scaffolding was required. I contacted a local trader who, after a phone-call, said that he could get the scaffolding cheaply if I didn’t mind the scaffolders turning up at 7:30am on their way to a near-by job. Oh, and cash-in-hand was the preferred payment method as it would bring the cost down from £1500 to £500. The trader then went on to say that his work would cost £1000 but if no receipt was required he’d be quite happy with £750 in folding money.
    Some long and hard thought was required in coming to a decision. Did I pay more to benefit the government or did I pay less to benefit both myself and the workers concerned? Hmmm. A hard one, that.

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