Fucking Hellski!

Nick Clegg shows his true (dictatorial) colours.

He added: ‘We should give every youngster under 30 a weighted vote of twice the value of everybody else, because it’s their future.

This is jaw dropping stuff. That this man was once deputy prime minister and holds such deeply undemocratic views is worrying. All I can say is that it’s a good thing he lost his seat. It’s even worse than the usual remain crowd’s tactic of keep on asking until they get the right answer.

It’s nice to know that once I turned thirty I became a second-class citizen without a future.

He also said the first-past-the-post system for the House of Commons was ‘ludicrously undemocratic’, adding: ‘We had more votes than the SNP in 2015 yet only got eight seats when they had 56.’

It’s a damned sight more democratic than weighting votes based on age. Go fuck yourself, you vile scumbag.


  1. Brexit has been utterly brilliant for this reason alone – it has exposed the fascist (in the real sense of the word) arseholes who purport to be democrats but as soon as the people vote against them, revert immediately to type. Its exposed plenty, on both sides of the (nominal) political divide, though it is noticeable that there are more people who are respectful of the people’s vote on the Right than the Left.

    • Concur, Clegg is only following current practiced a la EU, Keep voting until you come up with the “correct” answer.

      Words cannot describe the sheer utter hatred and loathing I have for these scumbags.

  2. I agree with weighted votes.
    You get one if you are indigenous and not on welfare, you get two if you are married, you get three if you have children and unmarried mothers and unemployed people get zilch.
    (Why should you be able to hire a servant then have someone else pay his wages?)
    No votes for anyone who was not born here.
    If your company is successful and employs lots of people then you get ten.
    That should cut waste and help businesses.
    As for Clegg’s idea, he has it the wrong way round. With age, hopefully, comes wisdom. So it should be weighted for over 30s.
    Here’s the thing. Voters are bribed with money to be paid by future generations. It has to stop which is best achieved by reducing the input of the most easily bribable ie. increasing the input of constructive types.
    In Ancient Rome in it’s heyday your entire yearly tax bill equated to an average DAY’s wages, so it can be done ie. running an economic system on low taxation.

    • Partly right. No taxation without representatation. I’m 59 but not married (divorced), but I’ve been in gainful employ since 16. According to you all us divorcee’s lose a vote. All gays lose a vote, and presumably all LGBT lose a vote too.

      You get to vote if you pay tax. Endov. Currently only Royalty and those in jail or mental institutions or under age cannot vote.

      Curiously I note that Clegg omitted to mention UKIP, who had 4 million votes yet had one MP, whereas the Dim Libs and the SNP had 3.2 million votes yet had 66 seats between them.

      • That makes more sense.Your last point is also a good one.
        There’s no doubt in my mind that benefit recipients are being sucked in to Europe specifically to receive benefits, they’re mostly illiterate and from low IQ races, and will therefore vote for whoever promises the most money. Which comes from people who aren’t low IQ and/or illiterate and who are valuable to employers – us.
        In a nutshell, if you aren’t (or haven’t been, prior to retirement or ill health) a net contibutor to the country then you don’t deserve a say.
        And benefits should stop for unmarried mothers along with the practice of having abortions for non-medical reasons – unless the woman pays for the estimated tax which the potential new citizen would have paid in their lifetime, if they’d been allowed to have one.
        If the father co-signs the consent form – the foetus is half his – then they each pay half, up front.
        A packet of condoms is several hundred thousand pounds cheaper.

  3. And if this wasn’t scary enough, did you also read the piece about the teaching profession being riddled with left wing bias?
    It’s not in any way a new story (my history teacher was a Chairman Mao supporting communist 45 years ago), but in the printed edition Mr Robinson adds this observation:

    “It could mean an even bigger swing in favour of Labour in future general elections, as today’s children reach voting age”

    We are truly stuffed…

  4. Assuming that both live to 80, the future of a 20 year old and even a 40 year old will be the same one for the next 40 years.

    I think Richard is joking (Poe’s law applies) but the idea of giving votes to children, to be exercised by their parents until 18, has been taken quite seriously: it is now usually referred to as Demeny voting.

  5. I heard Cleggy on the radio shortly after the referendum opining that the plebs shouldn’t be trusted with such important decisions. Presumably we should be entrusting our betters to make these decisions on our behalf so things don’t get screwed up.

    I don’t think that weighted voting could ever be made to work. However you did it you would create perverse incentives and have people working out how to game the system. I think that there could be a case for limiting voting to people who pay in more tax than they take out though.

  6. It seems to be fairly well established that, in the referendum, older people were more likely to vote leave whereas younger people were more likely to vote remain. It also appears that many younger people wanted to remain but didn’t realise that they had to actually vote to make it happen. Had the leave vote been carried but young people had been the predominant leave voters with older people voting to remain, I can imagine Clegg would now be wanting the voting age raised to 39.

  7. “No taxation without representation” is what Rapscallion said And I agree wholeheartedly.
    Slightly off topic, however, there are several thousand retirees from HM Forces and Police who have lived abroad for more than 5 years. Their pensions are taxed at source by UK Government yet they are not allowed to vote (or have an entitlement to NHS facilities when in the UK). Rather go along with Clegg’ s suggestion, why not reinstate voting right for this section of experts?
    Clegg is in receipt of a huge EU pension which he stands to lose if he says anything against EU policies, so we should all ignore his financially driven, tunnel visioned, mutterings. I have long thought he was a bit of actions and his latest comment has just confirmed it.

  8. Clegg is a spe nt force. He made a twat out of himself in Government and now he’s even lost his seat in Westminster.

    His views on anything can and should now be ignored. Aside from anything else, as an ex-MEP and EU shill he’s so far up Jean-Claude Juncker’s arse you can’t even see the soles of his shoes.

    He’s a pathetic little rich boy played at Politics and lost. It’s not our fault he’s also a bad loser.

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