Stupid, Stupid, Stupid…

Is there no idiocy so obscene that some cretin won’t fall for it?

took two deep breaths, then a tattooed piercer called Andy stabbed me in the fleshy part of my hand between the forefinger and thumb, injecting a tiny microchip encased in a glass capsule the size of a large grain of rice. And so I became the world’s lamest cyborg.

And so follows a whole article telling us just how useful it will be if we are chipped. It’s not like a science fiction dystopia at all, oh, no… These cretins practically wet themselves in their eagerness to explain just why they allow this invasive technology to be implanted in their bodies. One of them forgets his keys, so having a chip solves this. WTF!?! Seriously, how vacuous can one person be?

They also have an answer to those who quote Genesis:

In addition to being invasive, the chip attracts the wrath of some fundamental Christians, who see it as the “mark of the beast”. The fear stems from a passage in the Bible’s book of Revelation, where it talks of the mark of the beast on the forehead or right hand.

The chip’s creator sought to address these concerns in a “respectful fashion” by consulting with members of the clergy and theologists and coming up with a logical counter-argument. His inquiries found that word for “mark” comes from the original Greek word for “stigma” which can be translated as branding, scarification or tattoo, “but definitely not a biocompatible capsule with NFC circuitry”, said Osterlund.

Furthermore, he said, most people have the implant in their left hand; Satan prefers the right.

Oh, well, that’s all left then… Genesis is merely bronze age myth and legend and this is not the mark of the beast. It is, however, very sinister and should be resisted by any rational person, but, it seems, we are being overrun by mindless cretins.

I will never, ever allow this to be implanted in my body.


  1. “We’ve had interest from parents of young kids who want to be able to implant their children with a GPS chip,” said Westby.

    There are no words…

    • If parents want to keep track of their kids they might get one of those little badge gizmos for tracking cars.

  2. “…but, it seems, we are being overrun by mindless cretins…”

    We have been since at least the early 1960s’. They’re now becoming more overt since any organised or serious opposition just hasn’t materialised. Common Purpose and their fellow-travellers hold the high ground currently – and we’re allowing it.

  3. In due course someone will point out that all people will need is the hand. The rest is unimportant, so that can be disposed of.

    So there’s a neat passport and access to digbat’s bank account.

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