Ken Livingstone, a former mayor of London, has blamed the turmoil in Venezuela on Hugo Chávez’s unwillingness to execute “oligarchs” after he came to power.
Two things here. Firstly, the usual use of the not true Scotsman fallacy wheeled out every time socialism spectacularly fails – which it does every time it is tried – and secondly, the tacit acknowledgement that the only way to bring about true socialism is through the creation of piles of dead bodies. That these vile people are truly, horribly, evil is there for us all to see.
“One of the things that Chávez did when he came to power, he didn’t kill all the oligarchs. There was about 200 families who controlled about 80% of the wealth in Venezuela,” Livingstone told Talk Radio.
“He allowed them to live, to carry on. I suspect a lot of them are using their power and control over imports and exports to make it difficult and to undermine Maduro.”
Joe Stalin would be proud.
One thing you can say about Ken and it is this – he is honest in his evil, you could never mistake him for a decent man. This is socialism. This is what it means. Anyone who, having seen it and still supports its aims and aspirations is a vile, evil apologist for murder. Ken, at least, makes no bones about it.
So, the real reason why socialism never works is that there are always Oligarchs or some other negative force screwing it up. It couldn’t possibly because it is a bad idea that never works because it’s a bad idea. Either that or Red Ken is in denial.
Well, quite. Real socialism simply hasn’t been tried. Now, if we could kill all those people who get in the way….
Whad’ya mean, Kulaks?
Ah, but there’s the problem:
Communism (a religion) calls itself socialist …
Rather like the difference between the various christian or muslim sects in fact.
Dear Mr Longrider
So when that nice Mr Livingstone gets into power, we can expect to see heads rolling, literally. Anyone richer than Mr Livingstone is to be murdered.
How nice.
That would seem to be the case. But then, Uncle Joe set a precedent. Remember that vile creature Eric Hobsbawm who said that such sacrifices are okay in the name of the great revolution. Scum, the lot of them. Evil murdering scum.
So, using the same level of logic as that twat Livingstone, the mistake that May made when she was elected leader of the Tory Party, was failing to dispose of every snowflake and SJW in the UK. What was that song by Cher? “If I could turn back time.”
Livingstopne has lost his marbles, completely.
Though there’s a difference between Chavez & Maduro.
Chav, unpleasant though he might have been, won legitimate elections.
Maduro is an old-fashioned dictator, with a “socialist” cloak.
Also, not elected & unlikely to be – certainly not in a fair/free election at any rate.